Renewable Energy


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Part I: Atomic Inventory and Classification of Matter
  3. Part II: Nomenclature and Reactions
  4. Part III: Global Warming and Stoichiometry
  5. Part IV: The Energy Potential of Biodiesel
  6. Sample Activity 1
  7. Sample Activity 2
  8. Sample Activity 3
  9. Sample Activity 4
  10. Implementing District Standards
  11. Annotated Bibliography
  12. Suggested Additional Readings for Educators and Students

Environmentalists and Chemists Unite: A Chemistry Class for our Changing World

Cherisse Campbell

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Suggested Additional Readings for Educators and Students

Collins, Terry (2001) Toward Sustainable Chemistry Science Magazine, 291 (5501),


Hjeresen, D., Schutt, D., & Boese, J. (2000) Green Chemistry and Education Journal of Chemical Education, 77 (12), 1543 — 1546

Chem. Educator 2005, 10, 1—3 Small Scale Biodiesel Production: A Laboratory Experience for General Chemistry and Environmental Science Students

Gore, A. (2007). An Inconvenient Truth the Crisis of Global Warming. Rev. Ed. ed. New York: Viking.

Walker, David (1992) "Energy, Plants and Man", University Science Books

Wayne, Richard P. (2000) Chemistry of Atmospheres an Introduction to the Chemistry of the Atmospheres of Earth, the Planets, and Their Satellites. 3rd Ed. ed. New York: Oxford UP.


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