Sample Activity 3
(Part IV: The Energy Potential of Biodiesel)
Preparing Biodiesel
- Add 200 mL of clean vegetable oil to a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask.
- Slowly add 2 mL 9 M NaOH to 30 mL of methanol (CH 3OH).
- Stir for 2 minutes to make sodium methoxide (Na +CH 3O -).
- Add the Na +CH 3O - to the vegetable oil.
- Stir for 10 minutes.
- Transfer this mixture to a separatory funnel and allow the layers to separate. The biodiesel should be on top and the glycerol should be on the bottom.
- Drain off the bottom layer into a beaker and set aside.
- Add 20 mL of distilled water to the separatory funnel. Mix, and then allow the mixture to separate.
- Drain the bottom layer again into a beaker and set aside.
- Add an additional 20 mL of distilled water to the separatory funnel. Mix, and allow the mixture to separate overnight.
- Finally, drain your biodiesel into an Erlenmeyer flask and cover.
Testing Biodiesel
- Prepare a soda can calorimeter by punching holes in the sides of the can and sliding a glass stirring rod through the holes.
- Suspend the soda can on a ring attached to a ring stand by resting the stirring rod on the sides of the ring.
- Add 10 mL of biodiesel diesel oil to an alcohol burner.
- Place the alcohol burner under your can and lower the can so that it is about 2 cm above the wick of the burner.
- Add 100 g of water to the can.
- Measure the initial temperature of the water.
- Light the burner and periodically stir the water.
- Record the temperature of the water every minute for 20 minutes.
- On your data table, circle the maximum temperature that the water reaches.
- Repeat this procedure, using standard diesel oil and fresh water in your beaker.
- How did the energy generated from burning biodiesel compare to the energy generated by burning standard diesel? Use: Q = mc pDT. How does that impact how much of each fuel you might have to use in your car to get the same result?
- Compare the CO 2 generated from burning 100 g biodiesel (C 1 9H 3 6O 2) to burning an energy equivalent amount of standard diesel (C 1 6H 3 4).