The Science and Technology of Space


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The Origin of the Elements

Stuart Surrey

Published September 2007

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The History of the Big Bang Theory

In order to answer the question "From where did the elements originate?" one must consider two major areas of cosmology. The first being the formation of the Universe and the second being stellar structure, formation, and evolution. Advances in cosmology during the twentieth century have led to the prevailing theory that the Universe was formed from a cataclysmal event commonly called the Big Bang. In examining the spectral analysis of a number of spiral nebulae, Vesto Slipher concluded in 1912, on the basis of measurable Doppler redshifts, that these nebulae were moving away from the Earth. Then in 1915, Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity which in part predicted that the Universe was expanding. Contrary to his theory, Einstein believed in a static rather than an expanding Universe. It was not until 1922 when a Russian cosmologist and mathematician, Alexander Friedmann, derived a series of equations from Einstein's general relativity equations, predicting that the Universe was expanding. Georges Lemaître, after having verified Friedmann's equations, suggested in 1927 that the Universe began as a "primeval atom", the forerunner of the Big Bang. Additional evidence of an expanding Universe came from an equation derived by Edwin Hubble in 1929 on the basis of observations of galaxies made by him and associates. That equation, now referred to as Hubble's Law, showed a direct relationship between the distance to a galaxy and its recessional velocity. Simply put, Hubble's Law states that as the distance between galaxies increases so does the velocity of their separation. Credit is therefore given to Hubble for elucidating the concept of an expanding Universe.

Two prominent theories of an expanding Universe were debated following World War II. Among those who supported the steady-state model was Fred Hoyle. In this model, new matter would be created as the Universe expands. The second theory, proposed by Georges Lemaître, was the primeval atom model. This theory was based on the premise that an explosion of a "primeval atom" occurred. The term Big Bang originally came from a 1949 radio broadcast on the BBC in which Fred Hoyle was referring to Lemaître's model. The debate between these two theories would last for years. The deciding factor involved the observation of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Lemaître and George Gamow predicted in 1930 that the explosive event would have produced a

radiation fireball that should be detectable as blackbody radiation filling the entire Universe, and currently having a temperature in the area of 5K. Therefore, detection of this cosmic radiation would lend credence to the Big Bang theory. The discovery of CMB by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson occurred accidentally in 1964 when the pair, in an effort to detect microwaves in space for Bell Laboratories was able to detect low level background radiation coming from all directions. This was the evidence needed to resolve the debate between the steady-state and Big Bang theories. Since then, additional evidence from a number of space probes, including the COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) satellite, have supported the Big Bang theory as the prevailing theory of the origin of the Universe (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Stellar Evolution

The reasons for reviewing stellar structure, formation, and evolution will become obvious when discussing the specifics of elemental origins. At this point, it is important to understand what characteristics determine a star from other astronomical objects. In general, stars are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium gases. The outer surface of a star, called the photosphere, is an area where light in the form of photons is able to leave the star's surface. For the Sun, beneath the photosphere, and making up approximately thirty percent of the solar radius, is the zone of convection. In this region the gases, heat, and energy circulate by means of convection currents. It is within the core of the Sun, or zone of radiation, that gases, heat, and energy radiate to the outer layers of the star. For stars of different masses, the location and extent of the radiative and convection zones are different from the Sun. The surface temperature of stars can range from 3.0 x 10 3 K to in excess of 2.0 x 10 4 K. The temperature within the core, however, can range anywhere from 10 7 K to 10 9 K.

When referring to the mass of stars, cosmologists use the unit solar mass. The mass of our Sun which is approximately 2 x 10 3 0 kg has been designated as one solar mass. With this in mind, the mass of the different types of stars usually range from one-tenth to one hundred solar masses. Generally, it is the mass of the star which will determine its fate. The more massive the star, the more energy it expends and the shorter its lifespan. Other means of classifying stars include their brightness, or magnitude, their luminosity and their age. Independently, in 1913, Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Russell discovered a relationship between the brightness of a star and its surface temperature. By plotting the surface temperature versus the luminosity, an extremely important astronomical tool was created, the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. With this diagram, one can determine the luminosity, surface temperature, and spectral class of stars. Based on this diagram, stars have been classified as white dwarfs, main sequence, red giants, and super giants.

An understanding of stellar classification and evolution is an essential component of understanding the origin of the naturally occurring elements. The first process in the formation of a star involves the clumping and condensing of gases and dust particles within a nebula. This condensing of matter is due to the gravitational forces between the gas particles. As the condensing process increases, the gas particles move closer together. The result of which is an increase in both the random collisions between the particles and the heat generated. A star with sufficient energy to release microwaves and infrared radiation is called a protostar. The energy within the protostar, however, is insufficient for nuclear fusion. As the protostar undergoes additional condensing, it becomes increasingly denser generating exceedingly more heat. When the core reaches a temperature of about 10 7 K, nuclear fusion reactions can take place. The pressure generated from these fusion reactions eventually causes a cessation of the condensing process. This is a stabilizing factor with the end result being a main sequence star. The point at which the star uses up its fuel and the conversion of hydrogen to helium as well as the nuclear fusion reactions stop, the core of main sequence star begins to condense again with an increase in the amount of heat generated. While the core shrinks, the outer regions of the star expand, and the star becomes a red giant. Nuclear fusion reactions will begin to occur this time outside the core of the star, and eventually the core will begin the fusion of helium to carbon and oxygen. Characteristics of red giant stars include a larger surface area, a reddish color, and a lower surface temperature. The fate of a red giant is dependent upon its mass. Red stars with a mass of up to a few times the mass of the Sun will shed their outer envelopes and eventually shrink and become a white dwarf. If the white dwarf is a single star, it will slowly cool down until it becomes a dark, dense cinder in the sky. If it is part of a close binary system and it gains additional mass from its companion it may end up undergoing a type Ia supernova explosion. In contrast, red stars with higher masses will develop regions that are undergoing nuclear processes with increasingly massive elements. At the end of this stage of their lifetime the star consists of an iron core with surrounding shells of lighter nuclei until we reach, near the surface, a shell where hydrogen "burning" is taking place, and above it, a layer without nuclear processes. When the Fe core cools, it will begin a collapse that upon bouncing back will cause an explosion called a type II supernova. The remaining core will form, depending on its mass, a neutron star or a black hole (6, 7, 8).

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

At this point, sufficient background information has been given whereby an explanation of the origin of the elements can begin. During the early 1920's, Arthur Eddington was among the first astrophysicists to propose that the energy in the stars was obtained by a fusion reaction between hydrogen atoms to produce helium. Evidence provided by Hans Bethe, among others, in the 1930's formulated the nuclear mechanisms by which stars produce energy. However, in 1938 Carl Weizsächer suggested that elements heavier than helium-4 could not be produced in stars and therefore were probably produced prior to the formation of stars. It was not until after World War II that most of the work on nucleosynthesis, that is the formation of elements by means of nuclear reactions from pre-existing elements, occurred (9,10).

The idea that the chemical elements were produced by nuclear reactions involving neutron capture shortly after the Big Bang was proposed by George Gamow, Ralph Alpher, and Hans Bethe in 1948. This paper was instrumental in stimulating interest in Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) which has also been referred to as primordial nucleosynthesis. In a follow up paper by Alpher and his coworkers Robert Herman and James Follin, they reported that during BBN helium-4 was the predominant product. Enrico Fermi and Anthony Turkevich later showed that BBN beyond helium-4 was not possible due to the Coulomb barrier. In principle, the greater the atomic number the greater the Coulomb barrier, as shown in the following equation:

U = (kZ 1Z 2*e 2)/r 2

U = the Coulomb barrier force

k = Coulomb's constant which is 8.987 6 x 10 9 Nm 2/C 2

Z = atomic number

e = elementary particle charge which is 1.602 176 53 x 10 - 1 9 C

r = distance between interacting particles

As just a reminder, the atomic number of an element refers to the total number of protons within its nucleus. The mass number of an element, such as helium-4 or 4He, refers to the sum of the protons and neutrons within its nucleus. Therefore, in order to resolve the Coulomb barrier problem, the nuclei would need to be at a sufficiently high temperature whereby they would have enough energy and velocity to undergo nuclear fusion. During the first second following the Big Bang, a wide range of events were occurring. These phases included a period of cosmic inflation, elemental particle formation, the formation of baryonic matter, collisions between elementary particles, decreases in particle energies and temperatures. Between one second and three minutes after the Big Bang when temperatures had cooled to approximately 10 9 K, BBN began to take place. During this time period elements such as deuterium ( 2H ), tritium ( 3H ), helium-3 ( 3He ), and helium-4 ( 4He ) were being formed by nuclear fusion and neutron capture. To a lesser degree lithium-7 ( 7Li ) was formed by a chemical not nuclear reaction between 4He and 3H. However, this process did not produce any heavier elements (11,12,13).

Stellar Nucleosynthesis

Hans Bethe in 1939 considered two methods by which energy was produced in stars. These two methods were the proton-proton (PP) chain and the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle. The proton-proton chain actually involves three different sets of nuclear reactions and requires temperatures in excess of 10 MK. The PPI process takes place at temperatures between 10 MK to 14 MK. The temperature requirements for PPII are between 14 MK and 23 MK. For temperatures above 23 MK, PPIII reactions occur. The elements produced by way of the PP chain include 3He, 4He, 7Be, 7Li, and 8B. Fred Hoyle later proposed a mechanism by which nuclear fusion reactions would be able to synthesize the elements from carbon to iron in stars. It was the 1957 review article by Burbridge, Burbridge, Fowler, and Hoyle that laid the framework for stellar nucleosynthesis. In that paper they outlined eight processes by which stellar nucleosynthesis could take place from hydrogen. Without going into the details, they included: converting hydrogen to helium, burning helium to carbon, oxygen, and neon, the capture of alpha particles, the equilibrium e-process, the slow s-process of neutron capture, the rapid r-process of neutron capture, the proton capture p-process, and an unknown x-process. Since then, the most important stellar nucleosynthetic processes appear to be: 1. hydrogen burning which involves the proton-proton chain and the CNO cycle, 2. helium burning involving both the alpha and triple alpha processes, and 3. the burning of heavier elements including carbon, neon, oxygen, and silicon.

Stellar nucleosynthesis occurs in layers or shells depending on the temperature within the star. At the surface, the temperature is never high enough to undergo any nuclear processing. Since the temperature increases with depth, a region will be reached where it is about 10 7 K, where hydrogen undergoes fusion to form helium. At this point, there is a fundamental difference between low mass stars (stars with masses lower than about 2-3 times the mass of the Sun), and higher mass stars. All stars begin evolving towards the Giant branch when hydrogen is exhausted in the stellar core. As the star evolves in this stage, there is some mass loss from the surface that is expanding, as the core is shrinking.

When the core temperature exceeds 100MK, helium nuclei begin to fuse to form carbon and oxygen. At this point non-relativistic degeneracy sets in, and the active life of the star has reached an end. The outer envelope has been shed out, and what remains is a hot, inert stellar core, called a white dwarf. It is very small and dense (the mass must be lower than 1.4 times the solar mass), and the size is very similar to the size of the Earth. All the results of stellar evolution become forever trapped within the white dwarf that begins to cool down to eventually become a dark cinder in the sky. For higher mass stars, however, the evolution does not end up there, but it continues to subsequent stages. There, at yet deeper levels, heavier elements are synthesized by the fusion of helium nuclei up to iron-56. Elements having mass numbers less than 56 and that are not multiples of 4 are produced in side reactions with neutrons. Moving in toward the core of the star helium is converted into carbon by the triple alpha process at 10 8 K. At a larger depth, the temperature increases to the point where carbon atoms will undergo fusion to produce neon at temperatures in the range of 10 9 K. As the depth (and temperature) of the star continues to increases neon will go on to form oxygen. Oxygen will fuse to form silicon, and silicon in turn will go on to form nickel. At this point the star is classified as a red giant and has been undergoing stellar evolution. Silicon will begin to burn at 4 x 10 9 K forming iron which cannot undergo any further stellar nucleosynthesis because of its high binding energies. A few elements having masses larger than 5 6Fe are formed through the equilibrium process. Eventually the fuel will be exhausted at which point energy production ceases, gravity causes the core to collapse, and the star undergoes a massive explosion, or type II supernova. The elements synthesized just prior to a supernova explosion would include: hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, and nickel. (14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19).

Supernova Nucleosynthesis

Stellar nucleosynthesis of the elements up to iron has involved exothermic nuclear fusion reactions. During supernova nucleosynthesis, the heavier elements are created through endothermic reactions involving primarily neutron capture and to a lesser degree proton capture. When a star undergoes a supernova explosion, a high concentration of neutrons, called the neutron flux, will be emitted. The entire process of neutron capture during supernova nucleosynthesis is called the r-process and occurs at extremely high temperatures in a matter of seconds. The elements synthesized during this process are formed by a rapid absorption of neutrons producing the neutron rich isotopes of the heavier elements up to mass number 254. Highly unstable isotopes are produced during this process since the rate of neutron capture is greater than that of b-decay. These unstable radioactive nuclides will eventually decay into stable isotopes. The proton capture p-process, is believed to be responsible for the synthesis of approximately thirty to thirty-six proton rich elements which are heavier than iron. These elements cannot be synthesized by either the s-process or r-process. Because of the problems associated with overcoming very high Coulomb barrier forces, the p-process is believed to be a relatively minor process that requires extremely high temperatures (20, 21, 22, 23).


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