Classroom Activities
My students and I will embark on this process-oriented excursion (i.e. Beyond the Atom), once they build a conceptual framework of the content material through a series of structured lessons and assessments. We will engage in a "seminar style" learning format where students become participants and the teacher assumes the role of a facilitator. The following classroom activities are prototypes of instructional maps to navigate through the abstract realm of interpretation.
Lesson 1: Measuring the Cosmos (Design)
How large or small are the structures on various levels of organization? The goal of this activity is for students to create a visual interpretation of the powers of ten.
Powers of Ten
Microcosmos - Discovering the World through Microscopic Images
Universe - The Definitive Visual Guide
After viewing and discussing "Powers of Ten" by Charles and Ray Eames, the students will design a 308.4 cm (120 inches) by 45.72 cm (18 inches) collage, employing the SI Units, to illustrate the relationship between specific microscopic and macroscopic structures in the Universe.
The final product must be portable with three equivalent folds. Images must be arranged in an exponential hierarchy from lowest to highest. Actual microscopic and macroscopic structures must be creatively represented.
Lesson 2: As above, So below (Drama)
What makes a star blow up? The goal of this activity is for students to produce a theatrical interpretation of supernova explosions.
How to Blow Up a Star
Using Drama as an Educational Tool
After learning and practicing the "Elements of Acting" developed by Sean Layne,
students will utilize a creative drama technique, called the tableau timeline, to demonstrate a supernova explosion.
The final product must convey meaning, technical precision, and aesthetic value. Tableau timelines must contain 6 separate tableaus. Stellar nucleosyntheis must be creatively represented.
Lesson 3: Dogon Star (Dance)
What is the impact of African Astronomy on contemporary American society? The goal of this activity is for students to produce a kinesthetic interpretation of the legacy of Benjamin Banneker.
Benjamin Banneker: Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot.
After reading and discussing "Benjamin Banneker: Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot," by Charles A. Cerami, and studying African Dance, Capoeira, Hip Hop, Modern Dance and Salsa with a guest artist, students will analyze Revelations—the classical African American ballet—choreographed by Alvin Ailey. Subsequently, the students will choreograph an original "piece" (in collaboration with a guest artist) that expresses the milestones of Banneker's life.
The final product must reveal the essence of Banneker's worldview. Powerful dance choreography reflects the social, political, and spiritual nature of its subject. Dogon Star must connect to the lives of the participants.
Lesson 4: Origin of the Elements (Drumming)
Where did matter originate? The goal of this activity is for students to produce a rhythmic interpretation of primordial nucleosynthesis.
Materials: A) Music and B) Percussion Instruments
Alice Coltrane - Translinear Light (track 3), The Verve Music Group © 2004
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme (track 1), The Verve Music Group © 2004
Yusef Lateef - Meditations (track 11), Atlantic Recording Corp © 2001
Wadada Leo Smith - Golden Quartet (track 3), Tzadik © 2000
Sun Ra - The Futuristic Sounds (track 5), Denon Recordings © 1993
Weather Report - Mysterious Traveller (track 4), Columbia Records © 1974
Kodo - Live at Acropolis (track 3), Sony Music Entertainment © 1995
Sule Greg Wilson - The Drummer's Path (tracks 1-4), Destiny Recordings © 1994
Compilation - Sacred Rhythms of Cuban Santeria (tracks 19 & 22), Smithsonian/Folkways Recordings © 1995
Carlinhos D'Oxum - Canticos nos Orixas de Candomble (tracks 16 & 19), Natasha Records © 1997
Senzala de Santos - Capoeira (track 3), Buda Records © 1985
Musica de Groupos do Samba e Capoeira do Brasil - Batucada (tracks 1, 2 , 5, 11, 14), Soul Jazz Records © 1998
Compilation - Batucada Por Favor (tracks 1, 4, 5), Classic Brazilian Recordings © 1998
Stevie Wonder - Fulfillingness' First Finale (track 2), The Universal/Motown Records Group © 1974 © 2000
Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life (disc 2, track 8), The Universal/Motown Records Group © 1976 © 2000
Afuche/Cabasa, Agogo Bells, Cajon, Caxixi, Chimes, Claves, Congas, Cowbell, Djembe, Djun Djun, Ganza, Pandiero, Rainstick, Shekere, Surdos, Tambora, Tamborim, Ton Ton Sasa Bell, and Triangle
After listening to and discussing musical selections by various jazz, world music and soul musicians, and studying the African, Brazilian, and Caribbean (ABC) rhythm method developed by Jim Coles, students will create an imaginative "soundscape" (in collaboration with the world percussionist). They will investigate several drum cultures (e.g. West African, Afro- Brazilian, Afro-Cuban) and produce interpretive rhythmic expressions of the early Universe.
The final product must express the essential elements of Afro-derived music: polyrhythms (2 or more rhythms played simultaneously creating a larger rhythm); repetition (rhythms repeated many times); syncopation (rhythms accented off the beat); antiphonal (call & response); improvisation (free-styling or making up ideas spontaneously); entrainment (swing-bounce-funk feel inducing body movement/dance); and collective participation (all join in).