The Science and Technology of Space


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. District Demographics
  3. Objectives
  4. Rationale
  5. Literature Connection
  6. Strategies
  7. The Sun
  8. The Moon
  9. The Earth
  10. Seasons
  11. Time
  12. Exploring Space
  13. Classroom Activities
  14. Appendix
  15. Bibliography

Traveling the Solar System through Literature

Lori Paderewski

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:


Student Readings

Adami, Cristina, and Neil Francis. Space. (2001) New York: Scholastic. Internet Linked book that recommends websites to explore based on the ideas and topics in the book.

Adler, David. (1983) All about the Moon. New Jersey: Troll Associates. A Question and Answer book about the Moon.

Amery, Heather. (1994) Day and night. Educational Development Corporation.

Atkinson, Stuart. (2001) Extraordinary Solar System. New York: First Scholastic Printing. Take a trip around the Solar System with this fact-filled book.

Becklake, Sue. (1998) All about space. London: Scholastic. Scholastic First Encyclopedia about the Universe, the Solar System and Space Travel.

Bendick, Jeanne. (1999) Our very own star: the sun. BT Bound. A simple introduction to the sun, its characteristics, and its importance.

Branley, Franklin. (1981) The planets in our Solar System. New York: Harper Collins.

Read and find out about the planets in out Solar System.

Branley, Franklyn M. (1991) The big dipper. New York: Harper Collins. Easy to read book about the Big Dipper.

Branley, Franklyn M. (1981) The sky is full of stars. New York: Harper Collins. If you are a stargazer, you would love this book.

Branley, Franklyn. (1987) The Moon seems to change. New York: Harper Collins. Read and find out about the phases of the Moon.

Bredeson, Carmen. (2003) The Moon. New York: Scholastic. Basic Information about the Moon.

Bredeson, Carmen. (2003) The Solar System. New York: Children's Publishing. Rookie Read-About Science Book.

Cole, Joanna, and Bruce Degen. (1990) The magic school bus lost in the Solar System. New York: Scholastic. Join Ms. Frizzle and her class on a field trip adventure you will never forget.

Cole, Joanna. (1999) The magic school bus sees stars. New York: Scholastic. Join Ms. Frizzle and her students on an adventure that you will never forget.

Gibbons, Gail. (1997) The Moon book. New York: Scholastic. Learn about the milestones, legends, stories and facts about the Moon.

Graham, Ian. (1993) Looking at space. New York: Scholastic. Provides an original and dramatic introduction into the discovery of the universe.

Hayden, Kate. (2000) Astronaut living in space. London: Dorling Kindersley. Stunning photographs and lively illustrations about living in Space.

Henbest, Nigel. (1997) Planets. New York: Ladybird Books. Kids can take a trip across the galaxy with this colorful and easy to read book.

Henbest, Nigel. (1979) The night sky. Great Britain: Usborne. Handbook for the night sky.

Hirschmann, Kris. (2004) The Solar System. New York: CB. Fact filled book with colorful photographs.

Jackson, Kim. (1985) Planets. New Jersey: Troll Associates. Extremely basic descriptions of the nine planets.

Jefferis, David. (2001) Future space beyond earth. New York: Tangerine P. This book is a journey into the future where human and robots live beyond Earth.

Kalman, Bobbie, and Niki Walker. (1997) Space. New York: Crabtree Company. Overview of the planets and other objects in our Solar System.

McNulty, Faith. If you decide to go to the Moon. New York: Scholastic. Join the astronauts on a journey to the Moon and learn about the objects in space.

Moche, Dinah. (1982) My first book about space. Wisconsin: Western Company. A question and answer book about space.

Nelesn, Jeffrey. (1988) Space. Checkerboard P. Jokes and Riddles about Space.

Ray, Deborah K. (1991) Stargazing sky. New York: Crown. Story about a young child who discovers the fascinating objects in the night sky.

Richardson, James. (1992) Science dictionary of space. Troll Associates. Dictionary of common Space terms.

Rutland, Jonathan, and David Nash. The planets. New York: Random House. Basic overview of the Solar System.

Simon, Seymour. (2002) Destination space. New York: Scholastic. Beautiful real life pictures take you on a journey through space.

Simon, Seymour. (1992) Our Solar System. New York: Scholastic. Full color photographs and easy to read text about the Solar System.

Simon, Seymour. (2003) The Moon. New York: Scholastic. Follow Apollo 11's first landing on the Moon.

Stott, Carole. (1991) Observing the sky. Troll Associates. Detailed information about the night sky.

Turnbull, Stephanie. (2003) Sun, Moon and stars. New York: Usborne. Easy to read text about the Sun, Moon, and stars.

Wandelmaier, Roy. (1985) Now I know stars. New Jersey: Troll Associates. Describes basic characteristics of stars.

Winthrop, Elizabeth. My first book of the planets. Wisconsin: Western Company. This book gives an elementary overview of the nine planets.

Teacher Readings

Becan, Jeff. (2004) Astronomy for beginners. Connecticut: Writers and Readers. Friendly and accessible guide to the universe.

Forey, Pamela, and Cecilia Fitzsimons. (1988) An instant guide to stars and planets. New York: Atlantis Publications. Reference Book for information about the Stars and Planets.

Freedman, Roger A., and William J. Kaufmann III. (2004) Universe. W H Freeman & Co. This is a premier text for the fields of astronomy and cosmology.

Web Sources

(2007, July 4th). Differentiated Instruction. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Wikipedia Web site: . Free online dictionary of terms.

(2007). Earth's Seasons. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Enchanted Learning Web site: The Seasons and Axis Tilt Information.

(1995, December 1 st). Exploration. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from The Atmosphere Web site:

Gardiner, Lisa (2007, February 28th). Earth. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Windows to the Universe Web site: Learn about our Planet Earth in detail.

(2007). Moon. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Kidsastronomy Web site: Learn about the planets, Moons, asteroids and comets in our Solar System.

(2007, July 4 th). Moon. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Wikipedia Web site: Free online dictionary of terms.

Russell, Randy (2006, November 6th). The Sun. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Sun Web site: :// This website explores all the features of the Sun and its properties.

(2007). Solar System. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Kidsastronomy Web site: Learn about the Sun, Planets, Moons, Asteroids and Comets.

(2007). The Official U.S. Time. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from This website is designed to give information about time zones, daylight savings time, and other general facts about time.

(2007). The Seasons. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from Detailed information about the seasons and clarifying the basic misconceptions.

(2006, June 8 th). Visible Earth. Retrieved July 9, 2007, from NASA Web site: A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet.


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