District Demographics
Appoquinimink School District is located in Middletown, Delaware. Reaching 8,000 students, Appoquinimink serves more than 135 neighborhood communities ranging in grades K-12. In 2004, Brick Mill Elementary School was added to the four other elementary schools in the district. Brick Mill students are in grades 1-5, in a building where the capacity is approximately 800. The student population is mixed, although predominantly white. I teach in a third grade classroom and have done so for the past four years. Average size for a class is anywhere between 22-27 students. Although we have a diverse population, my classroom is usually made up of more girls than boys. In the 2006-2007 school year, I had the Inclusion classroom. Inclusion models, while keeping the same ideals and beliefs, can look differently from school to school, and district to district. At Brick Mill, the Inclusion model is set up in a way that there are two full time teachers in the classroom, where one is a designated Regular Education teacher and one is a Special Education teacher. Being the Inclusion teacher for the 2007-2008 school year, I am very excited to teach this Unit to my students in the Fall.