1. Marsico, Yale National Initiative.
2. Ibid, 12.
3. Edmondson and Wells, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 22.
4. Callaghan, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 15.
5. Edmondson and Wells, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 13.
6. Ibid, 14.
7. Kuin, The Sydney Homepage.
8. Callaghan, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 15.
9. Matz, The World of Shakespeare's Sonnets: An Introduction, 25.
10. Callaghan, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 16.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid, 18.
13. Edmondson and Wells, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 16.
14. Jacobsen and McQuaid, Early Modern Texts Project at Valparaiso University.
15. Edmondson and Wells, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 15-16.
16. Booth, An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets, 15.
17. Matz, The World of Shakespeare's Sonnets: An Introduction, 55.
18. Booth, An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets, 16.
19. Ibid.
20. Matz, The World of Shakespeare's Sonnets: An Introduction, 55.
21. West, Shakespeare's Sonnets with a New Commentary, 119.
22. Edmondson and Wells, 59.
23. Blades, Shakespeare: The Sonnets, 4.
24. West, Shakespeare's Sonnets with a New Commentary, 4.
25. Ibid., 78.
26. West, Shakespeare's Sonnets with a New Commentary, 392.
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid.
29. Blades, Shakespeare: The Sonnets, 14.
30. Ibid., 14.
31. Ibid., 16.
32. Ibid., 63.
33. West, Shakespeare's Sonnets with a New Commentary, 228.
34. Ibid.,
35. Ibid., 101.
36. Corn, The Poem's Heartbeat: A Manual of Prosody, 40.
37. Ibid.
38. Matz, The World of Shakespeare's Sonnets: An Introduction, 83.
39. Edmondson and Wells, Shakespeare's Sonnets, 65.