American Voices: Listening to Fiction, Poetry, and Prose


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Objectives
  3. Research
  4. Strategies
  5. Activities
  6. Annotated Bibliography
  7. Adapted version of "Read like a Reader; Read like a Writer"-Appendix A
  8. Implementing State Standards- Appendix B
  9. Adapted Six Point Rubric for Voice - Appendix C
  10. Notes

In Their Shoes: Finding Voice through Personal Narrative

Victoria Lyn Deschere

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Adapted Six Point Rubric for Voice - Appendix C

6: Exceptional use of techniques that communicate to the audience the personality of the writer and the intension of the text. Enthusiasm, honesty and passion for the topic flow through every word.

5: Strong use of techniques that communicate the personality of the writer to the audience and the intension of the text. Enthusiasm, honesty and passion for the topic are present in the piece through most of the words.

4: Techniques are used to communicate the personality of the writer to the audience and the intension of the text, inconsistently. The passion and liveliness for the text on the part of the writer was present in the piece, but in specific sections became insincere, too formal or too casual.

3: Attempts were made to communicate the personality of the writer to the audience and the intension of the text, but ineffectively. There is a rigid voice.

2: The text is casual or overly formal. It is difficult to make out any distinct voice or indications toward intonation from the lack of strategies even attempted.

1: The writer shows no sign of audience awareness or engagement in the topic. It feels as if this was a paper due for school. The student completed the project and was done with it.


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