American Voices: Listening to Fiction, Poetry, and Prose


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Novels That Exemplify the Voices of Fictional Characters
  3. Using Voice in Student Writing
  4. Reading Writing Workshop
  5. Conclusion
  6. Lesson Plans
  7. Resources
  8. Appendix A - Implementing District Standards
  9. Notes

Getting Into Character: Finding Voice in Realistic Fiction

Karlene E. McGowen

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix A - Implementing District Standards


ELA.8.15D - Write to entertain such as to compose humorous poems or short stories.

ELA.8.15F - Write in personal, creative, and academic forms to address specific audiences.

ELA.8.15E - Write compositions in which he/she consistently engages the reader with a natural and distinctive voice by employing controlled use of compositional risk elements active voice, and stylistic elements to develop unique or individual perspectives.

ELA.8.15H - Produce well-organized, focused and coherent compositions using effective transitions, voice, sentence fluency, and appropriate word choice.

ELA.8.18F - Refine and publish selected work in accepted formats for general and student audiences using traditional and technological methods.


ELA.8.7A - Read daily in independent-level materials; or appropriate lexile reading level.

ELA.8.10B - Establish and adjust purposes for reading.

ELA.8.8C - Read both assigned and self-selected texts to accomplish a variety of purposes such as to be informed, entertained, inspired, appreciate the writer's craft, and discover models for his/her own writing.

ELA.8.14B - Determine distinctive and common characteristics of elements of culture including communication, customs, and community through wide reading.

ELA.8.10I - Find similarities and differences across texts such as in treatment (the author's approach), scope (depth of information about the topic), and/or organization.

ELA.8.12F - Identify, describe, and analyze important characters, including their traits, points of view, causes of feelings and motivations, relationships, conflicts and their solutions, and the changes they undergo.


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