American Voices: Listening to Fiction, Poetry, and Prose


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Novels That Exemplify the Voices of Fictional Characters
  3. Using Voice in Student Writing
  4. Reading Writing Workshop
  5. Conclusion
  6. Lesson Plans
  7. Resources
  8. Appendix A - Implementing District Standards
  9. Notes

Getting Into Character: Finding Voice in Realistic Fiction

Karlene E. McGowen

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


1. Ryan, Becoming Naomi León, 119-120.

2. Ibid., 137-138.

3. Lupica, Heat, 92.

4. Ibid., 94-95.

5. Trueman, Stuck in Neutral, 18-19.

6. Glenn, The Taking of Room 114: A Hostage Drama in Poems, 1.

7. Ibid., 19.

8. Myers, Monster, 26-27.

9. Bauer, Don't Call Me Ishmael, 16.

10. Ibid., 84.

11. Sonnenblick, Notes From the Midnight Driver, 6-7.

12. Ibid., 33.

13. Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You, 103.

14. Elbow, "Voice in Writing Again: Embracing Controversy," 7.


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