Textbook: Magruder's American History 2005 including the Federalist Papers at the back
The Internet websites (see below)
Grid A: Comparative Government Graphic Organizers; Grid B Political and Economic analysis
Santa Fe Public Schools field trip and school buses
Weekly class participation grade in group project or discussion
*Field trip to Santa Fe's Roundhouse and Pueblo of Pojoaque
Economic Plan for Santa Fe
Student Internet and other Resources
New Mexico Film Industry
Incentives for filmmakers, places for students to look for careers and local productions and their location.
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson
New Mexico Legislature
New Mexican news, commentary by the Santa Fe New Mexican on Legislative Affairs
New Mexico: US Census data
New Mexico: fun facts
The Pueblo of Pojoaque
The Native American Conquistador, Ibarra, Christine and Valadez, John. Video provides an excellent modern-day view of tax payer spending for the arts. It highlights the tension between Native Americans and the Spanish Conquistadors.
Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce
Santa Fe: Government of the City
Santa Fe Tourism
Santa Fe City: US Census data
Annotated Teacher Bibliography/Resources
Bartels, Larry Partisan Politics and the U.S. Income Distribution Princeton: Princeton University February 2004.
Chomsky, Noam The Common Good, New York: The Odonian Press, 1996-1998.
These talks by MIT professor of linguistics and leader of left wing analysis helps to clarify values while at the same time citing important documents and facts.
Graetz, Michael J., and Ian Shapiro. Death by a Thousand Cuts. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006.
These authors tell the story of the attempt to repeal the inheritance tax and the coalitions which supported them.
Hamilton, Alexander, and James Madison and John Jay. The Federalist Papers. New York: Bantam Books, 1982.
This is a compilation of the Federalist papers published in 1787. Students are expected to know Federalist 5, 49, 51 and 78-83. This highlights important passages including checks and balances and executive power. n.b. The Magruders textbook has the relevant Federalist papers in the back.
Ibarra, Christine and Valadez, John The Native American Conquistador. Video provides an excellent modern-day view of the tension between Native Americans and the Spanish Conquistadors.
Lawrence, George trans., de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. New York: Perennial/Harper/Collins, 1969.
Alexis de Tocqueville was sent on a journey to the United States and reported the details of our early infancy. It is a lucid, detailed and incredibly vivid account of town meetings and branches of government.
Lee, Desmond trans. The Republic of Plato. 2 nd ed. London The Penguin Group, 1987.
This book forms the basis for our philosophical understanding of the difference between democracy and a republic and the Philosopher Ruler concept. It is a great insight into early Greek civilization and a great philosopher's story of the important questions for man and his state. The Chapter on the Cave is used in Senior English as an analysis of leaders and is used in conjunction with the movie: the Matrix.
Moyers, Bill. Moyers on Democracy, Random House, May 2008.
Bill Moyers is a former staffer of the Johnson administration, first administrator of the Peace Corps and current media presenter on PBS. Through a compilation of speeches Moyers ties unique American history with democratic principles.
New Mexico Film Industry
Incentives for filmmakers, places for students to look for careers and local productions and their location.
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson
New Mexico Legislature
New Mexico economic statistics
New Mexican news, commentary by the Santa Fe New Mexican on Legislative Affairs
New Mexico news, commentary by the Albuquerque Journal
The Pueblo of Pojoaque
Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce
Santa Fe: Government of the City
Santa Fe Tourism
Santa Fe City: US Census data
Shmidly, David J. "Legislature does Democracy proud," The Albuquerque Journal, February 25, 2008
Schumpeter, Joseph A. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1950.
Schumpeter brings insight into Rousseau's idea of the volonté generale in saying that there is no such thing as the general will of the people. Rather it is a struggle between the economic power for profit versus the political power for votes.
Shapiro, Ian. The State of Democratic Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Acknowledging and defining democratic theories, especially those that relate to reasons for inequality in a democracy is important to this book. Chapter Five on Democracy and Distribution is particularly helpful in describing both the supply side (the politicians) and demand side (the electorate).