Democracy in Theory and Practice


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Rationale
  4. Background Knowledge
  5. Strategies
  6. Activities
  7. Appendices
  8. Endnotes
  9. Annotated Bibliography
  10. Annotated Children's Bibliography

Taxes, Rebellion, and the Birth of a New Nation

Valerie J. Schwarz

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


Appendix A: Proportioned Populations (based on Official Census of 1790)

State Total
Delaware 1
Massachusetts 5
New Jersey 2
New York 4
North Carolina 5
Virginia 8
Connecticut 3
Georgia 1
Maryland 4
New Hampshire 2
Pennsylvania 5
South Carolina 3

*Rhode Island is not included since this state did not participate in the Constitutional Convention.

Appendix B: State populations from the Official Census of 1790

Delaware 59,096
Massachusetts 378,787
New Jersey 184,139
New York 340120
North Carolina 393,751
Virginia 691,737
Connecticut 237,946
Georgia 82,548
Maryland 319,728
New Hampshire 141,885
Pennsylvania 434,373
South Carolina 249,073

Appendix C: Slave and Free Signs


Appendix D: Proportioned Populations (based on Official Census of 1790)

State Total Free Slave
Delaware 1 1 0
Massachusetts 5 5 0
New Jersey 2 2 0
New York 4 4 0
North Carolina 5 4 1
Virginia 8 5 3
Connecticut 3 0 0
Georgia 1 1 0
Maryland 4 3 1
New Hampshire 2 2 0
Pennsylvania 5 5 0
South Carolina 3 2 1

*Rhode Island is not included since this state did not participate in the Constitutional Convention.

Appendix E

State Total Free Slave Votes Taxes
Delaware 1 1 0    
Massachusetts 5 5 0    
New Jersey 2 2 0    
New York 4 4 0    
North Carolina 5 4 1    
Virginia 8 5 3    
Connecticut 3 0 0    
Georgia 1 1 0    
Maryland 4 3 1    
New Hampshire 2 2 0    
Pennsylvania 5 5 0    
South Carolina 3 2 1    

Appendix F: Implementing District Standards

National Standards

NSS-USHK-4.2 The History of Students' Own State or Region

Students should understand the people, events, problems, and ideas that were significant in creating the history of their state.

NSS-USHK-4.3 The History of the United States

This standard examines how democratic values came to be and the causes and nature of movements of large groups of people now and long ago.

NSS-USH5-12.3 ERA 3 Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s)

My unit is this standard! This covers the American Revolutionary War and the new nation.

NSS-CK-4.1 What is Government?

This standard looks at what government is, why government is necessary and why its power should be limited.

NSS-CK-4.2 Values and Principles of Democracy

The values, principles, and important beliefs of American democracy and the American people are the focus of this standard.

NSS-CK-4.3 Principles of Democracy

What the Constitution is and why it is important is addressed here. Also the role of the national government and how it protects individual rights is also examined.

State Standards (Virginia)

VS.1 The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis.

Basic social study skills such as using primary sources, sequencing events, and making connections between past and present are a few of the skills students are to demonstrate.

VS.5 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the

American Revolution.

VS.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the establishment of the new American nation.


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