

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Objectives/Rationale
  3. Background Information
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Teacher Reading List
  7. Student Reading list
  8. Stories, songs, and poems to be used in Estimation
  9. Interactive Estimation Games and activities on line
  10. Appendix
  11. Endnotes

The Amazing Zero; Starring in: "Place Value, Estimation and Order of Magnitude"

Vivienne Fae Bartman-McClellan

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Teacher Reading List

Cathcart, George and Pothier, Yvonne. 1997. Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle Schools. second ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Original edition, 2000. This book is about learning mathematics - about children learning mathematics. It is also about teachers creating a learning environment that supports and encourages children to build understandings, make connections, reason, and solve problems.

Ifrah, George. 1985. From One to Zero, A Universal History of Numbers. New York: Viking Penguin Inc.This uniquely wide-ranging and original book is described by the author as "an archaeology of numbers". The book is made vivid and tangible by hundreds of illustrations.

Kaplan, Robert. 1999. The Nothing That Is, A Natural History of Zero. New York: Oxford. This story of zero reveals the truths about the naure not only of math but of human thought itself. The beauty of math is that even though we invent it, we seem tobe dicovering something that already exist.

Katzman, Pamela and McClees, Jackie. A Reasonably Close Encounter. USA: Dale Seymour.1983. This is a workbook with activities for estimation. This book would be ideal for upper level students or as an enrichment to the above lessons.

Russel, Susan and Tierney, Cornelia. Building on the Numbers You Know. White Plains, New York: Dale Seymour.1998. This Investigations curriculum embodies a new approach based on lyears of research about how children learn math. Eacfh grade level consists of a set of separate units. This is a grade 5 unit.

Russel, Susan and Russel, Cornelia. Measurement Benchmarks. White Plains, New York: Dale Seymour. 1998. his Investigations curriculum embodies a new approach based on lyears of research about how children learn math. Eacfh grade level consists of a set of separate units. This is also a grade 5 unit.

Seife, Charles. Zero, The Biography of a Dangerous Idea. New York: Penguin Group. 2000. This book follows the number frokm its birth as an Eastern philosopical concept to its struggle for acceptance in Europe and its apotheosis as the mystery of the black hole.

Threewit Fran. Estimation Destination. San Leandro, CA: Watten/Poe. 1992. This curriculum unit takes the elementary student on a estimating trip using a passport. The unit comes complete with lesson plans, worksheets and directions.

Weinstein, Lawerence and Adams, John H. Guesstimation. Princeton N.J. Princeton University Press. 2008. This book is filled with estimating problems similar to the Fermi problems. The difficulty level starts out easy and continues to increase with each problem.

Wood, Chip. Yardsticks, Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14. MA: Northeast Foundation For Children.1997. A resource for teachers and parents of children in the classroom ages 4-14. The book contains concise descriptions of the universal characteristics of children at different ages.. A practical resource on child development.


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