

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Objectives
  3. Mathematical Background
  4. Strategies
  5. Activities
  6. Teacher's Bibliography
  7. Student Bibliography and Resources
  8. Endnotes

Estimation in Ecology - the Horseshoe Crab Census

Brian Patrick Bell

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Student Bibliography and Resources

Air Mobility Command. "C-5 Galaxy." (2008). (accessed July 12, 2008).

This is the United States Air Force website, which I used to get the measurements for the C-5 Galaxy cargo plane. The measurements for all different aircraft can be obtained through this site.

Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. "Green Eggs and Sand, Tri-State Horseshoe Crab/Shorebird Education Project." (2003). (accessed July 11, 2008).

This is the State of Delaware's site for the programs provided through the Aquatic Education Resource Center. A listing and description of the programs is provided at this site.

Ecological Research & Development Group. "The Horseshoe Crab. In the News: Delaware Conch Fishermen Successfully Repeal Moratorium on Horseshoe Crab Harvesting." (2006). (accessed July 11, 2008).

One of the most comprehensive horseshoe crab information websites available. This website provides all matters of things pertaining to horseshoe crabs. This particular link is to one of the articles that was found on the site, however, the main site, is a great resource for any teacher looking to teach this unit.

Hall, William. "Horseshoe Crab Census Information." (2008). (accessed July 10, 2008).

This is a great place to find detailed descriptions of how the horseshoe crab census is conducted. Survey results from past years, a list of beaches, and a tally sheet can also be found on this site.

Howe, Roger. "Taking Place Value Seriously: Arithmetic, Estimation, and Algebra," (accessed July 9, 2008).

This paper was written by the Estimation seminar leader, Dr. Roger Howe, of Yale University. This paper provides the background of teaching estimation the way that I do in the unit. There is much more detail provided in this paper than was provided in my unit. This is a must read for any teacher looking to teach estimation.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources. "Horseshoe Crabs: A Living Fossil. Life History." (2008). (accessed July 09, 2008).

This site provides the reader with detailed information about the horseshoe crab. Similar to the site provided by EDRG, though has some information specific to the state of Maryland.

Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant Network, "Horseshoe Crab History and Biology." (accessed July 11, 2008).

Detailed descriptions of the horseshoe crab are provided including, the history and biology, shorebird connection, human use, research, fisheries management, as well as a listing of prime horseshoe crab beaches that can be found on the east coast of the United States.

Mid-Atlantic Sea Grant Network, "Horseshoe Crab. Research. Biomedical. Eye Research." July 11, 2008).

Detailed descriptions of the horseshoe crab are provided including, the history and biology, shorebird connection, human use, research, fisheries management, as well as a listing of prime horseshoe crab beaches that can be found on the east coast of the United States.

Miller, Mark. "The Issue: Too Close for Horseshoes." (2007). (accessed July 10, 2008).

This article was found in the Delaware Today online magazine. It is a discussion on the effects of a harvesting moratorium. Topics include the effects on the eel and conch fishermen, as well as the effect on the migrating shorebird populations, and the resulting effect on the local tourism economies.

Norris, Scott. "Oldest Horseshoe Crab Fossils Found in Canada." (2008). (accessed July 17, 2008).

This article was just written this year and has changed the original estimate of the horseshoe crab's age - 300 million years old. Due this fossil find, the age of the horseshoe crab is now dated back to 450 million years ago, and some think it may be older than that.

Swan, Benji, and Hall, William, and Shuster, Carl Jr. "The Delaware Bay Horseshoe Crab Spawning Survey 2001 Season." (accessed July 10, 2008).

This article provides detailed survey reports, beach by beach, for the 2001 season. This is the data that was used for the activities in this unit.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. "News Release: Red Knot named candidate for Endangered Species Act protection." (2006). (accessed July 09, 2008).

A news release describing the issues surrounding the red knot and its potential listing on the Endangered Species List.

United States Geological Survey. "Population Studies of Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) in Delaware Bay." (2007). (accessed July 18, 2008).

Updated detailed information is provided on this site including population studies of the horseshoe crab. Projects, papers, reports, presentations, research, and a history of the horseshoe crab are also included. There are links to other horseshoe crab websites.

Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. "Horseshoe Crab." (2008). (accessed July 09, 2008).

A brief description of the horseshoe crab is provided. Some of the topics include, physical description, life cycle and behavior, evolution, and conservation.


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