Appendix A: Implementing Pennsylvania District Standards
Standard 1.1: Learning to Read Independently
1.1F Understand the meaning of and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas.
1.1G Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of both fiction and nonfiction.
1.1H Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.
Standard 1.2: Reading Critically in all Content Areas
1.2B Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced.
1.2C Produce work in at least one literary genre that follows the conventions of the genre.
Standard 1.3: Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
1.3C Analyze the effect of various literary devices.
1.3F Read and respond to nonfiction and fiction including poetry and drama.
Standard 1.4:Types of Writing
1.4B Write multi-paragraph information pieces (e.g. letters, descriptions, reports, instructions, essays, articles, interviews).
1.4C Write persuasive pieces.
Standard 1.5:Quality of Writing
1.5A Write with a sharp, distinct focus.
Standard 1.6: Speaking and Listening
1.6B Listen to selections of literature (fiction and/or nonfiction).
1.6F Use media for learning processes.
Standard 2.2: Computation and Estimation
2.2F Identify the difference between exact value and approximation and determine which is appropriate for a given situation.
Standard 2.3:Measurement and Estimation
2.3D Estimate, use and describe measures of distance, rate, perimeter, area, volume, weight, mass, and angles.
Standard 2.4:Mathematical Reasoning and Connections
2.4F Use measurements and statistics to quantify issues (e.g. in family, consumer science
Standard 4.3 and 4.4: Science
4.3.7.A Identify environmental health issues.
4.3.7.B. Describe how human actions affect the health of the environment.
4.4.A. Know the importance of agriculture to humans.
4.4.7.A. Explain society's standard of living in relation to agriculture.
4.4.7.C. Explain agricultural systems' use of natural and human resources.
4.8.7.C. Explain how human activities may affect local, regional, and national environments.
Appendix B: Anticipation Guide
The following questions were created to generate student discussion regarding McDonalds. Students are given the option to agree or disagree.
- McDonald's sell the best french fries.
- Children recognize the McDonald's logo more than any other symbol.
- Most people would agree that McDonald's is the most well-known fast food restaurant.
- Fast food restaurants employ more teenagers than adults.
- The majority of the food sold by fast food restaurants is frozen.
- McDonald's is the largest purchaser of potatoes and beef in the world.
- Fast food restaurants are popular because of the free toys.
- Fast food commercials entice people to visit the restaurant.
- Supersize orders are the main cause of obesity.
- Fast food restaurants pay a competitive hourly rate.