Nutrition, Metabolism, and Diabetes


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Background Information
  4. Objectives
  5. Strategies
  6. Sample Activities
  7. Resources
  8. Appendix: Implementing State and District Standards
  9. Appendix: Nutrition and Exercise Survey
  10. Appendix: Multiple Intelligences Survey
  11. Appendix: Nutrition Multiple Intelligences Contract
  12. Appendix: Exercise Log
  13. Appendix: Food Log
  14. Appendix: Nutrients Chant
  15. Appendix: Vocabulary List
  16. Appendix: Extension Activities
  17. Notes

Feeding our Bodies, Fueling our Minds

Christina Marie Pavlak

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix: Multiple Intelligences Survey

Name ___________________________

Date _________________________

How are you smart? - Multiple Intelligences Survey

Read each category and check-off all that apply to you and your interests. Then, add the checks from each category and find out how you are smart!

Linguistic Intelligence

_ I love to read magazines, books, comics, etc.

_ I keep a journal.

_ I like to write letters and emails.

_ I like to tell stories.

_ I enjoy playing word games, like Scrabble.



_ I like to do science experiments.

_ I can do math problems in my head.

_ I like to play games like Checkers and Chess.

_ Math and Science are two of my favorite subjects in school.

_ Numbers make sense to me.



_ I am good at reading maps and charts.

_ I like to draw and sketch.

_ Art class is so much fun!

_ I doodle, or draw, on my notebooks.

_ I like doing puzzles and/or games like building with LEGOS.

_ Total:


_ I have a difficult time "sitting still" and I am always moving around.

_ I love to play sports.

_ I like to touch things so that I can learn more about them.

_ I like making things with my hands, like building models.

_ If I am learning something new, I like to be able to try it out rather than just reading about it.



_ I play, or want to play, a musical instrument.

_ I like to listen to music when I am feeling happy or sad.

_ I know the words to a lot of songs.

_ I hum or whistle sometimes without even thinking about it.

_ I like to sing.



_ I have a bunch of close friends.

_ My friends come to talk to me if they are having problems.

_ I like team sports (like basketball or soccer) better than individual ones (like swimming and jogging).

_ I am comfortable around a group of people.

_ I like doing group projects and working with other people.



_ I have a special place that I like to go when I want to be alone.

_ I like to do projects and work by myself.

_ I keep a journal to record my thoughts.

_ I can express how I am feeling.

_ I like to learn more about myself.



_ I would much rather be outside than indoors.

_ I like hiking, camping, or watching the sunset.

_ I have a garden.

_ I like to collect things from nature, like rocks, shells, or leaves.

_ I am interested in learning more about animals, plants, and events like earthquakes.



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Unit Survey
