Write a letter from the point of view of a food item telling about their travels through the digestive system.
Create a cookbook of at least 5 healthy recipes.
) Logical-Mathematical:
Write and solve a series of math word problems having to do with our study of nutrition.
Calculate what percentage of your daily intake of food for a selected day came from each food group and graph
that data.
Calculate what percentage of the school lunch for a day came from each food group and graph that data.
I) Intrapersonal:
Reflect on your own eating habits and set personal goals about ways to improve your health.
Answer the following question, "If you could be a piece of food, what would you be and why?" You can write about
it, draw about it, or express yourself in any other safe way. J
) Interpersonal:
Interview family members about their food choices.
Survey other sixth grade classes about their knowledge of a balanced diet.
Design and build a three-dimensional model of a food pyramid of your choosing (use one that was studied or
create your own).
Draw a cartoon showing what happens to food when it enters the body and how it is digested.
) Musical:
Write a rap song about digestion.
Create your own chant about nutrition.
I) Bodily-Kinesthetic:
Write and perform a public service announcement about kids making healthy food choices.
Create and play a board game based on some aspect of our unit of study.
II) Naturalist:
Participate in the school garden project. Or, pretend you are a landscape architect hired to design a garden for
your school and draw up your plans.