Urban Environmental Quality and Human Health: Conceiving a Sustainable Future


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Strategies and Class Activities
  5. Suggested Reading Lists
  6. Appendix A
  7. Works Cited

What Is She Eating?

Myrna Merana Alvarez

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


The purpose of my curriculum unit is three-fold, first to provide the basis for understanding the major biomolecules needed for growth and second, to explore the effects of chemicals in food and food packaging on health and the environment and third, to awaken students, my fellow teachers and readers in general, to the dangers of using plastics and their components. Lessons, discussions, student activities and projects will be directed towards learning the different chemicals in food and the adverse effects of plasticized packaging that contains many harmful chemicals, like Bisphenol A (BPA) and Diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP).

This unit aims at helping the readers realize the insufficient government guidelines and directives in safeguarding foods and food sources. The reason is that there are not enough data or studies on humans focusing on the harmful effects of the food chemicals in them. Various concerned scientists and experts have shown a direct link between diseases and plastics in food and drink containers. The findings are not publicly available.

I was taught that we have a special responsibilty to care for nature using its resources wisely and effectively. Yet, we have developed landfills and allowed plastics to accumulate in huge bodies of water. Human beings and other living organisms are little by little being deprived of safe land, air and water. In our country alone, 1/6 of the population lives within four miles of a chemical dump or other potentially hazardous site.1 It is therefore most necessary that education in the classroom be holistic in its approach. I strongly believe that I have to build awareness among my students so they will learn to be responsible individuals who have respect for the welfare of people and nature. Education is necessary to develop critical thinking skills for stewardship of the environment.

This five-week curriculum unit is intended for my tenth grade chemistry students. The lessons included here fit the section on the chemistry of life. There are two major projects in this unit: a three-day food and packaging survey and research project, and a preparation of a one-week school lunch program plan. Completed projects will be presented to other students, teachers, parents, and school administrators. This curriculum unit is aligned to three Illinois State Standards, State Goals 11, 12, and 13.


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