Readings for Students
Byles, Monica. Life in the Polar Lands. World Book Ecology. Chicago. 2001.
Cooper, Jason. Jaguars: Eye to Eye with Big Cats. Rourke Publishing LLC. Vero
Beach, Fla. 2003
King, David C. Jellyfish Marshall Cavendish Beuchmark. New York. 2006.
McKeever, Susan. Fresh Water Life of North America. Thunder Bay Press. San Diego.
Pully Sayre, April. Vulture View. Henry Holt and Co. New York. 2007.
Rosing, Norbert. Face to Face with Polar Bears. National Geographic. Washington D.C. 2007
Tatham, Betty. Baby Sea Otters. Henry Holt and Co. New York. 2005.
Van Wormer, Joe. Eagles. Lodestar Books. New York. 1985.