Reading Materials
Bird, David M., Daniel E. Varland, and Juan José Negro. Eds. Raptors in Human
Landscapes: Adaptations to built and cultivated environments. Academic Press. 1996.
Butler, Robert W. The Great Blue Heron: A Natural History and Ecology of a Seashore
Sentinel. UBS Press. Vancouver. 1997.
Colborn, Theo, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers. Our Stolen Future.
Penguin Group. New York 1996.
Fossi, M. C., S. Casini, L. Marsili, A. Ausili, and G. Notarbartolo di Sciara. Are the
Mediterranean Top Predators Exposed to Toxicological Risk due to Endocrine Disruptors? In Environmental Hormones: the Scientific Basis of Endocrine Disruption. Ed. JohnA. McLachlan et al. New York Academy of Sciences. New York. 2001.
Hentges, Steven G. Plastic Additives in Consumer Products. American Chemistry
Council. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Insurance, and Automotive Safety United States Senate. May 2008
Hylland K., S. Feist, J.Thain, and L F"rlin. Molecular/Cellular Processes and the Health
of the Individual . Effects of Pollution on Fish: Molecular Effects and Population Responses. Blackwell Science. Ames, Iowa. 2003.
Kunsig, Robert. Siren Songs. Discover Science, Technology, and Future. July 2008
Lawrence, Anrew J. and Krystal L. Hemingway. Ed. Effects of Pollution on Fish:
Molecular Effects and Population Responses. Ames, Iowa. Blackwell Science. 2003.
Moore, Colleen F. Silent Scourge. Oxford University Press. 2003.
Needleman, Herbert L. and David Bellinger. Prenatal Exposure to Toxicants. The Johns
Hopkings University Press. Baltimore. 1993.
Paine, Stefani. The World of the Sea Otter. Greystone Books. Vancouver. 1993.
Rappole, John H. The Ecology of Migrant Birds: A Neotropical Perspective. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington. 1995
Schettler, Ted, Gina Solomon, Maria Valenti, and Annette Huddle. Generations at Risk:
Reproductive Health and Environment. Cambridge. 1999.
Wargo, John. Our Children's Toxic Legacy: How Science and Law Fail to Protect Us.
From Pesticides. Second Ed. New Haven and London. Yale University Press. 1998.
Wargo, John, Mark R. Cullen, and Hugh S. Taylor. Eds. Plastics that may be Harmful to
Children and Reproductive Health. Environment & Human Health, Inc. New Haven. 2008
Weir, David and Mark Schapiro. Circle of Poison: Pesticides and People in a Hungry
World. Institute for Food and Development Policy. San Francisco. 1981.
Williams, Terrie M. and Randal W. Davis. Emergency Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled
Sea Otters: A guide for Oil Spills Involving Fur Bearing Marine Mammals. University of Alaska Press. 1995.