Urban Environmental Quality and Human Health: Conceiving a Sustainable Future


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Rationale
  4. Content
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Teacher Resources
  8. Student Resources
  9. Appendix 1A: Implementing Virginia Standards of Learning
  10. Appendix 1B: Implementing Virginia Standards of Learning
  11. Appendix 2: Implementing National Science Education Standards
  12. Notes

Eat, Drink, and Be Wary: Recognizing Toxic Chemicals in Foods and Beverages

Ram Bhagat

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


1 Wargo, John. 2008. Plastics that may be harmful to children and reproductive health.

North Haven: Environment & Human Health, Inc.

2 Duncan, David Ewing. 2006. The pollution within. National Geographic. October:


3 Gallagher-Bolos, Joan A. and Smithenry, Dennis W. 2004. Teaching inquiry-based

chemistry. Portsmouth: Heinemann.

4 Tobin, Kenneth 2006. Improving urban science education: new roles for teachers,

students, and researchers. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, Publishers.

5 Abullah, Sharif. 1999. Creating a world that works for all. San Francisco: Berrett

Koehler Publishers, Inc.

6 Friere, Paulo. 1998. Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Continuum.

7 Pellow, David Naguib. and Brulle, Robert J., eds. 2005. Power, justice and the

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8 McLeod, Melvin. 2007. Educating the heart. Shambala Sun. January: 59-65.

9 Campbell, Linda and Campbell, Bruce. 1999. Multiple intelligences and student

achievement. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

10 Wargo, John. 2008. Green intelligence for a healthy planet. New Haven: Yale

University Press (unpublished).

11 Goldman, Daniel. 2006. Social intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.

12 Goldman, Daniel. 1995. Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.

13 Smith, Jenny. 2003. Education and Public Health. Alexandria: Association for

Supervision and Curriculum Development.

14 Kessler, Rachel. 2000. The soul of education. Alexandria: Association for Supervision

and Curriculum Development.

15 Stwertka, Albert. 1996. A guide to the elements. New York: Oxford University Press.

16 Winter, Ruth. 1994. A consumer's dictionary of food additives. New York: Three

Rivers Press.

17 Neimark, Jill. 2008. Plastic people of the universe. Discover. May: 46-51.

18 Motavilli, Jim. 2008. The drugs in drinking water shocker. The Environmental

Magazine. May/June. Volume XIX, Number 3: 24.

19 Barnes, Eric. 2008. Glossed over: nail salon workers and cosmetic consequences. The

Environmental Magazine. May/June. Volume XIX, Number 3: 21-24.

20 Knopper, Melissa. 2008. Bottled water backlash. The Environmental Magazine.

May/June. Volume XIX, Number 3.

21 Imhoff, Daniel. 2005. Paper or plastic: searching for solutions to an overpackaged

world. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.

22 Arts Education Partnership. 2000. Why students need the arts. Virginia Journal of

Education. April: 7-10.

23 Lincoln Center Institute. 2004. LCI's Practice. http//www.lincolncenter.org (accessed

July 30, 2004).

24 Dalai Lama. 2005. The universe in a single atom. New York: Morgan Road Books.

25 Fleisher, Paul. 1993. Changing our world: a handbook for young activists. Tuscon:

Zephyr Press.

26 Jensen, Eric. 2000. Arts with the brain in mind. Alexandria: Association for

Supervision and Curriculum Development


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