Seniority: or the many reasons not to reuse a bottle
This phase will discuss how bottles are reused and the hazards therein. This section was my original motivating factor in choosing to take this seminar. My students are very good about reusing their plastic water bottles, but it may not actually be such a good idea. In this section, we will use the results from the prior section, adulthood, to delve deeper into the risks and benefits of reusing plastic water bottles. I think a debate on the issue for the whole school might be a good idea. Students will also be expected to present some alternate suggestions to plastic water bottles in their debate. This is where they will return to the information they gained in the first section, family history. The students will use what they have learned about alternatives, from the family history section and the information on the risks and benefits of using plastics to debate the benefits versus the costs of using PET bottled water. The entire school will be able to benefit from the information as most of our students use PET bottles for drinking water.