Berlak, Herald. Rethinking Schools. Volume 15, No. 4 - Summer 2001 (accessed July 10, 2006). This article addresses how racism causes the achievement gap.
Duncan-Andrade, Jeffrey. 2005. An Examination of the Sociopolitical History of Chicanos and its Relationship to School Performance. Sage Publications, (accessed July 13, 2009). The portrayal, explicitly and implicitly of Chicana/o people, in the institutional narrative, has a destructive effect upon the self-image of Chicana/o students. This negative self-image results in the divestment of Chicana/o students from the mainstream educational system.
Freire, Paolo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 1970. The most significant work providing a framework to exposing the oppressive "banking" method of teaching.
Gardner, Howard. The Disciplined Mind. New York: Penguin Books, 2000. Provides a framework for and examples of how student learning can be maximized by tapping into their respective intelligence(s).
Garvey, Marcus. "If you Believe the Negro has a Soul". History Matters (accessed July 14, 2009). This speech lays out the problem facing black people in the United States and lays out as the solution, the return of the "Negro" in America to Africa.
King, Jr., Martin Luther. I have a Dream: Writings and Speeches that Changed the World. Ed. James m. Washington. San Francisco: Harpers, 1992. This is a collection of Dr. King's speeches that reflect his development over time from a civil rights leader to a champion of human rights.
Research Center, Editorial Projects in Education. "Achievement Gap", 2004. (accessed July 10, 2009). This article succinctly defines the education gap.
Solorzano, D., & Delgado-Bernal, D. Urban Educating, "Examining Transformational Resistance Through a Critical Race and LatCrit Theory Framework: Chicana and Chicano Students in an Urban Context." 2001. This essay provides a framework for moving students from self-destructive behavior to transformative resistance.
Walker, David. Walker's Appeal, in Four Articles; Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but in Particular, and Very Expressly, to Those of the United States of America, Written in Boston, State of Massachusetts, September 28, 1829 David Walker. Documenting the American South, (accessed July 14, 2009). Is one of the earliest and most militant publications by an African-American boldly denouncing the brutal treatment of African people in America.
Wilson, William Julius. More Than Just Race. New York: Norton & Company, 2009. This is a structural and cultural framework for looking at the social and economic gap that persists between Black and White Americans.
X, Malcolm, Malcolm X Speaks. Ed. George Brietman. New York: Grove Press, 1965. This is a collection of Malcolm X's later speeches as he separates himself from the Nation of Islam.
Student Reading List
"If you Believe the Negro has a Soul", by Marcus Garvey. This speech lays out the problem facing black people in the United States and lays out as the solution, the return of the "Negro" in America to Africa.
"The difficult Miracle of Black Poetry in America or Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Wheatley", by June Jordan. This essay puts into context the complex existence of pioneer black poet, Phillis Wheatley.
"Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Colored Men", by Abraham Lincoln. Highlights the initial position President Lincoln took in relation to the coexistence of black and white in America.
"I have a Dream", by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Vision for an integrated society based on justice and love.
"A more perfect Union", by Barack Obama. Highlights the struggles of blacks in America against racism and the ongoing challenges or race relations today.
"Aint I a Woman", by Sojourner Truth. Examines the layers of race and gender in the fight against slavery and the struggle for women's rights.
Walker's Appeal, in Four Articles, by David Walker. Is a militant denunciation of the brutality faced by black people in America.
"On being brought from Africa", Phillis Wheatley. One among many poems written by the pioneer of African-American poetry that provides insight into an ex-slave turned published author in the context of an extremely white supremacist colonial society.
"Atlanta Compromise Speech", by Booker T. Washington. Highlights the gradual approach to attaining black empowerment in the United States shortly after reconstruction.
"The Ballot or the Bullet", by Malcolm X. Poses to white America the alternatives of peaceful change or violent uprising in relation to civil rights for black people in the United States.