The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of the Civil Rights Movement


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Objectives
  3. Strategies
  4. Classroom Activities
  5. Resources
  6. Implementing District Standards
  7. Notes

The Great African/African-American Intellectual Tradition for Liberation: Resistance Past, Present and Beyond

Artnelson Concordia

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:


1. Daniel Solorzano and Dolores Delgado-Bernal, "Examining Transformational Resistance Through a Critical Race and LatCrit Theory Framework: Chicana and Chicano Students in an Urban Context", 320.

2. William Julius Wilson, More Than Just Race, 2.

3. Wilson, ibid, 3.

4. Herald Berlak, "Race and the Achievement Gap."

5. Research Center, Editorial Projects in Education. "Achievement Gap."

6. Wilson, ibid, 60

7. Jeffrey Duncan-Andrade, "An Examination of the Sociopolitical History of Chicanos and its Relationship to school Performance."

8. Herald Berlak, ibid.

9. David Walker, "Appeal", 70.

10., A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History & Culture.

11. Marcus Garvey, "If you believe the Negro has a Soul."

12. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Nobel Prize Acceptance Address."

13. Malcolm X, "Ballot or the Bullet."

14. Paolo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 67.

15. Howard Gardner, The Disciplined Mind, 72.

16. Daniel Solorzano & Dolores Delgado-Bernal, "

17. School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), Political Education Workshop Manual, 9.

18. SOUL, ibid, 10.

19. Paolo Freire, ibid, 69.

20. Greece Central School District 2008


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