Lesson #1: The Stonewall Riots
Learning Objectives:
- Students will read and analyze primary source documents
- Students will explore the origins of the Modern Gay Rights Movement
Lesson Development:
- Distribute copies of the two article from The Village Voice to students. These are available online at: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/exhibitions/sw25/
- Individually, have students read the articles using the Active Reading Protocol. This is a four-step process.
- Read the document
- Highlight key passages and words
- Code each highlighted passage: * for something important; ! for something surprising; ? for a question: -> to make a connection.
- In the margins explain each code.
- After reading both articles, have students create groups of three. They should then discuss their notes and conclusions.
- To check for understanding, have students write a two-paragraph reflection about the articles for homework.