Appendix 1: State Standards
The unit meets the requirements for AP English Language and Composition as specified by the state of North Carolina. The specific goals addressed are as follows:
Competency Goal 1
The learner will react to a variety of texts and media by drawing upon personal experiences, readings, and observations.
1.02 Respond to a variety of texts and media by defending, qualifying, or refuting the author's position to create a variety of formal and informal responses (e.g. journals, in-class writings, letters, memoirs, parodies), and projecting his/her voice in reflective writing.
Competency Goal 2
The learner will use inquiry and research to inform an audience about complex subjects.
2.02 Respond to informational texts or media by: assessing the language, culture, structure, and historical perspective of the text to explain insights into language, and explaining significant connections among the speaker's/author's purpose, tone, biases, and the message for the intended audience.
Competency Goal 1
The learner will analyze prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts.
4.01 Determine the author's intent/argument by identifying an author's use of rhetorical strategies and devices and the extent to which they impact the development of the theme (e.g., selection of detail, tone, mood, style, attitude, point-of-view, syntax, organization, diction, voice), and explaining the effectiveness of the author's use of language for the intended audience.
4.02 Analyze the effectiveness of the author's intent/argument by: evaluating the author's rhetorical purpose, synthesizing connections between text and historical and cultural context, and critiquing the use of literary devices (e.g., figurative language, irony, imagery).
Competency Goal 5
The learner will develop a deeper understanding of representative literature with a specific emphasis on non-fiction.
5.02 Analyze the author's rhetorical strategies and linguistic choices by: understanding the author's intent, recognizing the author's rhetorical style, identifying the author's audience, and evaluating the effectiveness of such choices.