Appendix A
List of Literary Terms besides poems' suggestions for class
1. Alliteration (by William Blake "The Tyger)
2. Allusion (Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening")
3. Antithesis ("The Hind and the Panther" by John Dryden)
4. Apostrophe ("The Dash" by Linda Ellis)
5. Assonance ("El Dorado" by Edgar Allan Poe)
6. Consonance ( Wes Magee's "The Boneyard Rap")
7. Details
8. Diction
9. ecphrasis
10. Free Verse ("Song of Myself" by Walt Whitman)
11. Figures of speech
12. Flashback
13. Foreshadowing
14. Hyperbole
15. Imagery
16. Irony
17. Macaronic poetry
18. Metaphor
19. Mood
20. Motivation
21. Narration
22. Onomatopoeia
23. Oxymoron
24. Paradox
25. Personification (by Ax-Helves "Junk")
26. Plot
27. Point of View
28. Prosody
29. Protagonist
30. Pun
31. Repetition
32. Rhyme (Nursery rhymes by Elizabeth Bishop)
33. Sarcasm
34. Setting
35. shift or turn
36. Simile
37. Sound devices
38. Structure
39. Style
40. Suspense
41. Symbol
42. Synecdoche
43. Syntax
44. Theme
45. Tone