Lesson Plan IV
The teacher will write on the board the word "imagery," and explain students that the term refers to words that create images in the mind. These images make us remember sensations and/or feelings. Then, exhort the students to point the five senses.
The teacher will pass out copies of one of my favorite poems: "The Desert is My Mother" clarifying unfamiliar terms or concepts.
Two activities are assigning for this lesson. One is the classification of the images under the correspondent sense. Examples are: Sound-thunder, touch/feel-raindrops. The second activity is where the students write their own images and make a poster to illustrate the poem with the help of the classification chart of senses. The students will brainstorm in small groups and present the poem to the class. This activity requires the use of personal experience to add meaning to the written work. Students must use wivid and expressive imagery in writing.
This lesson takes 45 minutes or more if necessary.