Green Chemistry


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Strategies
  3. Unit Background
  4. The Principles of Green Chemistry
  5. Water Purification
  6. Water Conservation
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Activity One: Introduction to the Unit
  9. Activity Two: The History of Water
  10. Activity Three: S is for Save the Earth
  11. Activity Four: The Lorax
  12. Activity Five: Water Celebration
  13. Bibliography
  14. Others
  15. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)
  16. Endnotes

Green Chemistry: Is Water, Water?

Francisca Eunice Gomez Rebullida

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Water Conservation

When we conserve water, we sustain and help reduce the demand for water supply. We protect our rivers and lakes. We use fewer chemicals to treat our aquifers and use less energy to heat water. We save electricity because we pump less. That would mean savings for our water bills too. We can save water inside and outside of our homes.

At Home

At home use green cleaning chemicals when doing house chores. Put a bottle of pebbles inside the toilet tank to displace the water and use less water when we flush. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth. That saves water about one or more gallons of water per day depending on the number of people in a household. Take quick showers and save 150 gallons per month. Save the cold water in a container while waiting for hot water to reach the shower head. Wash dishes by hand. Avoid leaving the water on when rinsing. Use one sink to soap and the other sink to rinse and save 200 to 500 gallons per month. Use the least amount of detergent because it minimizes the rinse water needed. It saves 50-150 gallons a month. Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator. When you get drinking water from the tap and store it in a glass pitcher or a jar, one could save hundreds of gallons per month. Rinse fruits or vegetables by using a filled sink or a pan of water.

Outside the Home

Whenever the children want to cool off, use the water sprinkler in an area where the lawn needs it most. Share water saving tips with friends. Do not play with the garden hoses and save 10 gallons of water per minute. Turn faucets off when not in use. Throw left over ice on plants. Collect rain water for the garden with overflow ports and secure the lid for child safety. Children can easily do the water tips to conserve water. There are many other ways to save water. Be smart and use water wisely. Every drop of water that we can save is worth it.


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