An Investigative Approach to the Brain: The 5 Senses, the 5W's and an H
Vivienne Fae Bartman-McClellan
Published September 2009
Guide Entry to 09.06.01
This unit is prepared for the second grade classroom but can be easily adapted for any grade level. An ideal time for
the unit to be presented is during National Brain Awareness week which is scheduled for the week of March 15, 2010.
Using the journalistic approach to research the students will understand how to use one of the best ways to research a
subject. The journalist approach is to do the research by answering questions using who, what, when, where, why and
how. In this unit the students will research the brain and the five senses. In this unit teachers are provide with
background information and step-by-step procedures to teach your students how to do independent research.
(Developed for Science, grade 2; recommended for Science, grade 2)