5W's and an H
The research strategy described and explained above. This is the journalistic approach to research. Who, what, when, why, where and how. This is the practicing strategy that is the basis for the entire unit.
Read Aloud/Think Aloud
This strategy involves: modeling for students the internal thought processes of an effective reader; defining for student's skills/terms to be targeted in the selection; and helping students internalize and transfer the reading skills to their own independent analysis. This strategy will be used during the lesson that we read the book "Beautiful Princess Without A Face".
Concept Cards
Using note cards, students can identify major issues, characters, and events and may determine the significance and impact of these events. This method allows student practice in gathering, summarizing, comparing, contrasting, and analyzing information regarding a person, time period, or issue. This can be used during the research time. Each question will be written on a color-coded card and then the response written underneath the question.
Think Pair Share
This discussion strategy ensures that each student is an active participant in a learning situation. The teacher provides something for the students to think about, often asking students to write down their ideas as evidence of their thinking. Students then pair to share their ideas. As much as possible, students should only work in pairs. The larger the group, the greater the chance that students will once again become passive learners. The share aspect can also include having partners share their observations or conclusions with another set of partners or the larger group. Sharing can involve posting writing work or making an informal or formal presentation. This strategy will be used during the research and presentation of the senses.
Think it, Draw it, Make it, Talk it, Write it
This strategy is designed to touch upon all types of learners. They must think about the problem, draw using tables, pictures or organizers, make a physical example, talk about it with others and then write about it. The children will use this strategy during their preparation of their presentation.