The Brain in Health and Disease


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Demographics
  3. Rationale
  4. Objectives
  5. Brain Structure
  6. The Brain in action
  7. Connecting the regions to Literacy
  8. Strategies
  9. Classroom Activities
  10. Investigation One
  11. Investigation Two
  12. Investigation Three
  13. Appendix A
  14. Appendix B
  15. Appendix C
  16. Appendix D
  17. Appendix E
  18. Bibliography
  19. Notes

An Investigation into Learning Using the Regions of the Brain

Kathleen Geri Gormley

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix E


ELA Standard 1

Students will use written language and oral English appropriate for various purposes and audiences.

ELA Standard 2

Students will construct, examine, and extend the meaning of literary, informative, and

technical texts through listening, reading, and viewing.

ELA Standard 3

Students will access, organize, and evaluate information gained by listening, reading, and


ELA Standard 4

Students will use literary knowledge assessed through print and visual media to connect self to society and culture.

As the students complete the science research project and the literature circles in this unit, the ELA standards will be met. Students will be developing and using appropriate strategies to assist comprehension, completing research using multiple sources, making judgments about those sources, and presenting information to an audience.

Math Standard 6 Number Sense

Students will develop number sense by solving problems in which there is a need to

represent and model real numbers verbally, physically, and symbolically; to use operations with understanding; to explain the relationships between numbers; to apply the concept of a unit; to determine the relative magnitude of real numbers.

Math Standard 7 Algebra

Students will develop an understanding of algebra by solving problems in which there is

a need to progress from the concrete to the abstract using physical models, equations and

graphs; to generalize number patterns; and to describe, represent and analyze relationships among variable quantities.

In our math class, students will investigate numbers, graphs, and symbols and how they relate to visual literacy and learning.

Science Standard 6 Life Processes

The natural world is defined by organisms and life processes which conform to principles regarding conservation and transformation of matter and energy. Living organisms use matter and energy to build their structures and conduct their life processes, have mechanisms and behaviors to regulate their internal environments and to respond to changes in their surroundings. Knowledge about life processes can be applied to improving human health and well being.


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