Energy, Climate, Environment


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. So What's the Big Deal?
  4. Where Does the Trash Go?
  5. Ancient Recyclers
  6. Is There Hope for the Future?
  7. Lesson 1
  8. Lesson 2
  9. Appendix A
  10. Appendix B
  11. Student Resources
  12. Teacher Resources
  13. Bibliography
  14. Endnotes

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Oh My!

Huwerl Thornton

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Student Resources

There are a wealth of children's books that tackle the subject of the three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Here are a just a few books that tackle this global issue.

The Three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (What Do You Know About? Books) by Nuria Roca and illustrated by Rosa M. Curto. A good book that teaches about the three R's and teaches children about what they can do to reduce pollution.

Where Does the Garbage Go? by Paul Showers and illustrated by Randy Chewning. An excellent book that answers the question, where does our garbage go? This book is tailored for grades 1-4.

The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle: A Story About Recycling by Alison Inches and illustrated by Pete Whitehead. A wonderful book about recycling written in diary form from the point of view of a plastic bottle. The journey goes from the refinery plant to the recycling plant where the bottle ends up as a fleece jacket.

I Can Save the Earth!: One Little Monster Learns to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle by Alison Inches and illustrated by Viviana Garofoli. An entertaining yet informative book about Max the Little Monster who is an environmental nightmare. Kids can learn as Max learns about ways he can become more environmentally aware.


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