Energy, Climate, Environment


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Final Questions
  5. Intermission
  6. Minamata Bay
  7. Activities
  8. Appendix A
  9. Appendix B
  10. Appendix C
  11. Student References
  12. Video clips -
  13. Chloracne sites
  14. Chemical persistence
  15. Acknowledgments:
  16. Bibliography
  17. Endnotes

Toxic, Persistent Chemicals in Human Environments: Case Studies of Agent Orange Use in Vietnam, 1965-1970 and Methyl Mercury in Minamata Bay, Japan, 1932-1968

Jeffrey C. Davis

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix C

This unit includes state standards in social studies and in science. The New Mexico Standards for science include understanding atoms and molecules and how they behave in different conditions. The standards also include students learning about different kinds of investigations for different kinds of questions. In addition, the unit will address standards concerning ecosystems, food chains, and the relationships between different organisms are addressed along with the impact that human activity has on the environment. Social studies standards concerning the history of the United States are included as well (at the time of this writing, state standards for New Mexico are under construction and unavailable).

Strand I, Standard 1, Benchmark 1,

Performance Standards: 1. formulate testable questions, make systematic observations, develop logical conclusions, and communicate findings. 3. Use graphic representations to present data and produce explanations for investigations. 5. Communicate the steps and results of a scientific investigation.

Strand I, Standard 1, Benchmark 2,

Performance Standards: 1. Understand that different kinds of investigations are used to answer different kinds of questions. 2. Understand that scientific conclusions are subject to peer and public review.

Strand I, Standard 1, Benchmark 3,

Performance Standards: 1. Use appropriate units to make precise and varied measurements. 3. Make predictions based on analyses of data, observations, and explanations.

Strand II, Standard 1, Benchmark 1

Performance Standards: 1. Describe properties of the three (4) states of matter. 3. Know that matter is made up of particles that can combine to form molecules and that these particles are too small to see with the naked eye. 4. Know that the periodic table is a chart of the pure elements that make up all matter.

Strand II, Standard 2, Benchmark 2,

Performance Standards: 1. Identify the components of habitats and ecosystems (producers, consumers, decomposers, predators) 2. Understand how food webs depict relationships between different organisms. 3. Know that changes in the environment can have different effects on different organisms. 4. Describe how human activity impacts the environment.


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