Connecting the Visual to the Verbal in the Classroom


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Poetic Forms
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Annotated Bibliography
  8. Appendix 1
  9. Appendix 2
  10. Appendix 3
  11. Resources for Teachers
  12. Resources for Students
  13. Notes

Examining Poems about Love and Loss

Karen W. Scher

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:

Annotated Bibliography

Burt, Stephen, and David Mikics. The Art of the Sonnet. Cambridge: Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press, 2010. Excellent resource regarding the history of the sonnet, with many examples included.

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000. This is a groundbreaking book, based on Freire's experiences with helping adult Brazilians achieve literacy. The book is a wonderful introduction to anti–oppressionist education, with an emphasis on dialogue and mutual respect.

Hollander, John. The Gazer's Spirit: Poems Speaking to Silent Works of Art. 1 ed. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1995. Hollander's book offers an expanded look at ecphrastic poetry.

Kennedy, David. ELEGY (The New Critical Idiom). 1 ed. New York: Routledge, 2007. Part of the New Critical Idiom series, this book speaks of the origins of elegies, and also provides close reading and analysis of elegies.

Livingstone, Dinah. Poetry Handbook: For Readers and Writers. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993. This is a good resource for teaching meter, rhythm, and poetic form.

Morice, Dave. Poetry Comics. T&W Books, 2002. I will use this book to show my students a comic version of "Sonnet 18". It also features comic versions of "The Raven", "Some Trees" and many more.

Oliver, Mary. A Poetry Handbook. 1 ed. New York: Harvest Books, 1994. This slim volume extols the value of studying poetry as a means towards writing poetry.

The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. 3 ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993. This encyclopedia offers rich explanations of poetic terms, genres, and movements.


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