Reading List for Students
Angelou, Maya, and Jean–Michel Basquiat. Life Doesn't Frighten Me. unknown: Stewart, Tabori And Chang, 1993.
Maya Angelou's poem appeals to children, along with art which illustrates it.
Eye's Delight: Poems of Art and Architecture. 1st ed. New York City: William Morrow & Co, 1983.
A collection of ekphrastic poems divided into four sections; Pictures, Sculptures, Dwelling Places, and Public Architecture. No photos are included.
Greenberg, Jan. Heart to Heart : New Poems Inspired by Twentieth–Century American Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2001.
A collection of ekphrastic poems and corresponding art work for children.
Panzer, Nora. Celebrate America: In Poetry and Art. New York: Hyperion, 1999.
This seems to be out of print, but you can get it used or from your library. It is a collection of ekphrastic poems with their art counterparts. It is appropriate for children and the art is from the Smithsonian collection.
Poetry Speaks to Children (Book & CD) (Read & Hear). Har/Com ed. Naperville: Sourcebooks Mediafusion, 2005.
A variety of poetry both in text and a cd so students can listen to proper phrasing and expression on their own. Helps build sight vocabulary also.
Poetry for Young People: Carl Sandburg (Poetry For Young People). New York: Sterling, 2008.
Contains poems appropriate for children which can be used to demonstrate poetic devices and structure. This doesn't contain the Chicago Poems, but at least you won't have to worry about students reading of prostitutes and alcohol.
Side by Side: New Poems Inspired by Art from Around the World. New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2008.
More ekphrastic poems collected by Greenberg, but this time includes poems and art from all over the world.
Siebert, Diane. Tour America: A Journey Through Poems and Art. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2006.
I just ordered this book, because I read that it is a collection of poems about American sites, including the El trains in Chicago.
Sullivan, Charles. Here is My Kingdom. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1994.
All types of art alongside poems written by Hispanic–Americans with a Hispanic theme.
Chicago formatting by