Connecting the Visual to the Verbal in the Classroom


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Instructional Strategies
  2. Model Lesson Plans
  3. End Notes
  4. Bibliography
  5. Teacher Resources
  6. Student Resources

Exploring Cultural Conflict through Poetry and Art

Anne Marie Esposito

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:

Teacher Resources

Alexander, Elizabeth. The Venus Hottentot. Saint Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf Press. 1990.

"Calligraphy and Islamic Art." The Louvre. Musee du Lourve. 2005–2010.

Firat, B.O., "Disorienting Encounters: Rereading 17 th and 18 th Century Ottoman Miniature Paintings." PhD diss,. University of Amsterdam, 2008.

Eisner, Will. Sundiata: A Legend of Africa. New York: Nantier–Beall–Minoustchine. 2002.

Greenberg, Jan. Heart to Heart: New Poems Inspired by Twentieth–Century American Art. New York: Abrams. 2001.

Heffernan, James. A. W., "Ekphrasis and Representation." New Literary History. 22 no. 2 (Spring, 1991) 297–316.

Heffernan, James. A. W., Museum of Words. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. 1993.

Hollander, John. The Gazer's Spirit: Poems Speaking to Silent Works of Art. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. 1995.

Meagher, Jennifer. "Orientalism in Nineteenth–Century Art." In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2000.

Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation. 2010.

Said, Edward W. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books.1978.

Sedarat, Roger. Dear Regime: Letters to the Islamic Republic. Ohio University Press. 2007.

Trethewey, Natasha. Domestic Work. Saint Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf Press. 2000.

Trethewey, Natasha. Native Guard. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston and New York 2006


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