Calculating the Worth of a Picture and Other Objectives:
This unit introduces students to—and has them persist in—the study of ekphrasis, which is defined by Merriam–Webster's online dictionary as "a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art." It is hoped that through a better understanding of ekphrasis, students will be able to tap into this literary approach as a powerful tool to improve reading comprehension, assisting them to analyze literature more deeply, as well as to understand how it has a dialogue with the very sources that, in part, were influential in its creation. Specifically, students will be learning how texts can have power over the visual arts, as literature shapes and remolds it into its own worldview. Perhaps, then, a picture is not worth a thousand words? Parallel in importance to teaching students the value of and how to analyze ekphrastic pieces, is broadening students' appreciation of the visual arts and its importance in American literary thought. Learning these skills and fostering a greater understanding of art not only fulfills Delaware's four ELA standards, but also assists in actualizing the Appoquinimink School District's mission, as the mingling of art and literature in the classroom creates a more well–rounded student who, in turn, is better prepared to "adapt to a rapidly changing and complex global society." In essence, this unit educates the whole student.
The curriculum at Middletown High School for 11 th grade English utilizes American poetry and prose for its literary context, regardless whether the coursework is designed with struggling readers in mind or strictly adheres to the College Board's Advanced Placement guidelines. As a whole, this works well, since American literature is broad enough to touch on numerous genres while containing large enough cultural and historical variety to stave off student boredom.
More than half of the pieces discussed in the unit's lessons are prose. This is atypical, as traditional ekphrasis units focus heavily—if not entirely—on ekphrastic poetry. As well those units should, as ekphrasis is more popularly expressed within poetry; some would argue, no doubt, more effectively too. The purpose, then, of choosing prose for primary texts is to give teachers a greater variety of genres from which to choose when teaching ekphrasis. Of secondary importance is that the prose pieces chosen are novels that critics have argued at one time or another to be among the so–called great American novels. As the four novels chosen for the unit (The Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and The Great Gatsby) serve as the core in many high school curricula, it is hoped that their selection will create better cohesiveness for the unit throughout the school year.