Persuasion in Democratic Politics


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Content
  5. Strategies
  6. Activities
  7. Assessment
  8. Teacher Resources
  9. Annotated Bibliography
  10. Appendix
  11. Notes

The Role of Persuasion in Global Politics: The United Nations and Millennium Development Goals

Deborah M. Fetzer

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:


Implementing State and District Standards

Today's students live in a global society and have the freedom to make decisions that affect not only their lives but also lives of others around the world. Social studies provides skills and knowledge to help them become informed and competent global citizens. This unit addresses three history standards, one economic standard, and one English language arts standard in the Delaware recommended curriculum.

History standard one asks students to use chronological concepts to analyze historical phenomena, more specifically to analyze historical materials to trace the development of a trend over a prolonged period of time in order to explain patterns of historical continuity and change.

History standard two asks students to gather, examine, and analyze historical data, more specifically to develop and implement effective research strategies for investigation given a topic and examine and analyze primary and secondary sources.

History standard three asks student to develop historical knowledge of major events and phenomena in the world, such as revolutions, ideologies, and technological change in the modern world.

Economic standard three asks students to understand different types of economic systems and how they change, more specifically students will analyze the wide range of opportunities and consequences resulting from the current transitions from command to market economies in many countries around the world.

English language standard one asks student to use written and oral English appropriate for various purposes and audiences, more specifically to produce examples that illustrate the persuasive discourse, which is audience-oriented.


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