Annotated Bibliography
Black, Maggie. The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development. Oxford, UK: New Internationalist, 2002. This is a very good book to give teachers background on the history and current conditions of developing countries. It will help students and teachers understand the transformation of politics in the global society in which we currently live. It also provides insight into the actual picture of what really happens to native peoples with regard to the development process.
Black, Maggie. The No-Nonsense Guide to the United Nations. Oxford, UK: New Internationalist, 2008. This resource provides a lot of information about the United nations and its role and record on humanitarian relief and development, many of the issues of the MDGs.
Heinrichs, Jay. Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion. New York: Three River Press, 2007. This book is written in a very clear way and provides many, many modern day examples of the classical art of rhetoric. It is a valuable asset to any teacher who aspires to teach her students the art of persuasion. I highly recommend that it becomes part of your classroom library.
Honeycutt, Lee. Aristotle's Rhetoric, retrieved on June 6, 2010.
Kennedy, J. K. Inaugural Address. Washington, DC. 1960. Kennedy's speech is a good example to use to examine ethos, logos, pathos, and style with regard to cleverness of word assembly.
Rajan, Sudhir Chella. Global Politics and Institutions. Boston, MA: Tellus Institute, 2006. This resource provides good background for teachers as they present information on global politics to their classes in student friendly terms.
Sachs, J.D. & McArthur, J.W. The Millennium Project: A Plan for Meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Published online January 12, 2005. Retrieved June 13, 2010
Santa, Carol M., Havens, L.T., Valdes, B.J. Project CRISS: Creating Independence through Student-owned Strategies (3 rd edition). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 2004. This is a manual designed as a support for teachers who participate in a two day training of Project CRISS. It is full of interactive strategies to help students become independent learners. The training and this manual are valuable resources for all teachers.
Von Schirnding, Y. The World Summit on Sustainable Development: Reaffirming the Centrality of Health. Retrieved on June 13, 2010 at yttp:// This article demonstrates the way that other world organizations have aligned their thinking with MDGs in an effort to help meet the deadline target date of 2015.
Weiss, Thomas G., Daws, S., Eds. The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 2007. This resource provides a comprehensive analyses of the structure and functions of the United Nations in the context of today's global challenges and possible solutions.
Wiggins, G.P. & McTighe, J. Understanding by Design (expanded 2nd edition). Alexandria,VA: ASCD. 2005. This resource will provide a more in-depth understanding of the transfer task. It is also a valuable book for creating lessons that help students become more critical thinkers and gain a deeper understanding of what they are studying. Teachers will find helpful.