Connecting to Community: Biography and the Digital Age
Dean Andrew Whitbeck
Published September 2010
Tools for this Unit:
1Marans, Adelman Children in a Violent Society. 1 ed. New York: The Guilford Press,
1998, p. 220
2Lee, Biography: A Very Short Introduction, 33
3ibid. 34
4ibid. 34
5Goodman, Teaching Youth Media, 4
6Raymond, E. (2000). Cognitive Characteristics. Learners with Mild Disabilities (pp.
169-201). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, A Pearson Education Company.
7 Hartman, H. (2002). Scaffolding & Cooperative Learning. Human Learning and
Instruction (pp. 23-69). New York: City College of City University of New York.
8 Rose, Jacqueline. THE HAUNTING OF SYLVIA PLATH. 2nd ptg ed. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard Univ. Press, 1992. P. 50
9 ibid. 58
10 Lambert, Joe. Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community. 2 ed.
Berkeley, CA: Life On The Water Inc, 2008.
Holly K. Banning
January 21, 2011 at 9:00 pm
Unit Cited
Dean, In writing a paper on the subject of 21st century literacies, I found your unit to be very useful. I cited it and highly recommended the adaptation of this versatile unit to upper elementary and middle school teachers in integrating technology into the writing process. I also acknowledged its value in connecting with the culturally and linguistically diverse student by using an engaging literacy practice (digital storytelling) meaningful to his or her life.