Creating Lives: An Introduction to Biography


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview/Content
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Background Information
  5. Strategies – Unit Question – Who was Langston Hughes?
  6. Close Reading
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Bibliography
  9. Implementing District Standards (Part I – English) – Appendix A
  10. Implementing District Standards (Part I – Reading) – Appendix B
  11. Implementing District Standards (Part IV – ISBE) – Appendix C
  12. Notes/Resources

Biography through the Use of Document-Based Questions

Andrea Frances Kulas

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:

Implementing District Standards (Part IV – ISBE) – Appendix C

Goal 1 – Reading

1.A.5a Identify and analyze new terminology applying knowledge of word origins and derivations in a variety of practical settings.

1.B.5b Analyze the defining characteristics and structures of a variety of complex literary genres and describe how genre affects the meaning and function of the texts.

1.B.5d Read age-appropriate material with fluency and accuracy.

1.C.5b Analyze and defend an interpretation of text.

Goal 2 – Literature

2.A.5a Compare and evaluate oral, written or viewed works from various eras and traditions and analyze complex literary devices (e.g., structures, images, forms, foreshadowing, flashbacks, stream of consciousness).

2.B.5b Apply knowledge gained from literature as a means of understanding contemporary and historical economic, social and political issues and perspectives.

Goal 3 – Writing

3.A.5 Produce grammatically correct documents using standard manuscript specifications for a variety of purposes and audiences.

3.B.5 Using contemporary technology, produce documents of publication quality for specific purposes and audiences; exhibit clarity of focus, logic of organization, appropriate elaboration and support and overall coherence.

Goal 4 – Listening and Speaking

4.A.5a Use criteria to evaluate a variety of speakers' verbal and nonverbal messages.

4.B.5a Deliver planned and impromptu oral presentations, as individuals and members of a group, conveying results of research, projects or literature studies to a variety of audiences (e.g., peers, community, business/industry, local organizations) using appropriate visual aids and available technology.

Goal 5 – Research

5.A.5b Research, design and present a project to an academic, business or school community audience on a topic selected from among contemporary issues.

5.B.5b Credit primary and secondary sources in a form appropriate for presentation or publication for a particular audience.


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