Implementing District Standards (Part I – English) – Appendix A
Sentence Structure and Formation |
Word Choice |
Revise a phrase that is redundant in terms of the meaning of the entire sentence Identify and correct ambiguous pronoun references Use the word or phrase most appropriate in terms of the content of sentence and tone of the essay. |
Revise to avoid faulty placement of phrases and faulty coordination and subordination of clauses in sentences with subtle structural problems Maintain consistent verb tense and pronoun person on the basis of the preceding clause or sentence |
*Throughout the year we will be working on Conventions of Punctuation – use punctuation to set off complex parenthetical phrases, recognize and delete unnecessary commas based on a careful reading of a complicated sentences (e.g., between elements of a compound subject or compound verb joined by and), use apostrophes to indicate simple possessive nouns, recognize inappropriate uses of colons and semicolons.
- Parts of speech
- Parts of a sentence
- Comma usage
- Punctuation, commas for items in a series
- Punctuation in quotations
- Appropriate comma usage for sentence flow