The Mathematics of Wallpaper


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. The hierarchy of quadrilaterals
  6. Tessellation
  7. Activities 1
  8. Activity 2
  9. Activity 3
  10. Activity 4
  11. Notes:
  12. Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography
  13. Appendix B: Implementing District Standards
  14. Appendix C: Collection of Problems

Geometry and the Real World

Shamsu Abdul-Aziz

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:


This unit clearly meets national and state standards since geometry and measurement is such an integral part of middle school mathematics. In addition to simply learning individual isometries, this unit looks at the relationships shared by the various isometries. The relationship between reflection and rotation, and the relationship between reflection and translation are all explored through problem solving. By making connections between reflections, rotations, and translations, related word problems and examining different ways to look at rotations in terms of reflections, students should develop a better understanding of the relationships between the four types of isometries. We will also take the time to look at the connections between isometries and symmetry. That is, that a figure is symmetric if it is unchanged by a (non-identity) transformation.

I hope that students will gain an understanding of what symmetry and tessellations are and what they mean to us. I would like to see students adding to their previous knowledge base by expanding on what they already know to understand more mathematical properties in greater depth. I think that by applying the properties and types of symmetry to everyday life through literature, mirrors, and kaleidoscopes students will begin to see math everywhere and as an important part of how we function and see things. Students will be made to do an activity that will help them bridge the gap between geometry and the world around them. This activity will not only bridge the gap but will go a step further to check their knowledge on the concepts.


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