Activity 3
In this activity you will complete some investigations using Geometer's Sketchpad. Remember to record all your responses. [NOTE: This activity is suitable for students who are a bit conversant with the Geometer's Sketchpad software]
1. Open a New Sketch.
2. In the Display menu go to Preferences and set the labeling for points and straight objects to automatic by clicking next to them, putting a check mark in the box at the left. Change the distance options to cm. Change the precision options to hundredths. Click okay to return to the sketch screen.
3. Construct a set of parallel lines using the construct menu. [Remember that you will need a line and a point to construct parallel lines.]
4. Construct a transversal. [You will need to draw a point on each line to construct your transversal. Note that each of these objects should now be labeled.]
- How many points are shown on each line? _______ Name them. ________
- What do you notice about how the points and lines are labeled?
5. Use the label tool to write "interior" and "exterior" in the appropriate areas of the parallel lines.
How can you determine the measures of the angles formed by these intersecting lines?
To measure an angle in Sketchpad, you must select three points with the vertex point as the middle point selected. Since your transversal has only ____ points, you will need to add points to the line.
6. Select the point tool from the tool bar and draw on your transversal on each exterior of the parallel lines.
7. Starting with the left uppermost angle, measure each angle of the diagram working in a clockwise direction.
Answer the following questions by observing your drawing and the measurements of the angles.
- What angles have the same measure? Name them using the three point method and the symbol for angle.
- How can you describe the locations of these angles with respect to the intersecting lines?