The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics supplies educators with standards and grade level expectations for our students. First graders are expected to be able to successfully sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties; recognize, describe, and extend patterns such as sequences of sounds and shapes or simple numeric patterns and translate from one representation to another; and analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated. With these focal points in mind, I would like to use the big idea of symmetry and wallpaper designs to guide my students through a more exciting, meaningful introduction to geometry and patterns. 2
Wallpaper groups categorize patterns by their symmetries. Simple differences may place similar patterns in different groups, while patterns that are very different in style, color, scale or orientation may belong to the same group. The symmetry of a pattern is a way of transforming the pattern so that the pattern looks exactly the same after the transformation, or as we say in First Grade, "Where is the repeat?" or "What comes next?"
The types of transformations that the students will begin to use and discuss include translation (shifting by one unit), rotation (turning clockwise or counterclockwise) and reflection (flipping on an axis). Often in primary mathematics instruction, students receive introductory exposure to these concepts. The purpose of this unit is to extend this exposure through more consistent and integrated activities to make this concept more accessible through daily morning activities, math centers, art projects, and music.