Evolutionary Medicine


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview and Rationale
  2. Background Information
  3. Strategies and Lesson Plans
  4. Activities
  5. Notes
  6. Bibliography
  7. Websites for Teachers
  8. Websites for Teachers and Students
  9. Appendix

Survival of the Fittest?—Evolution and Human Health

Connie Scercy Wood

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:


  1. George B. Johnson, Biology, 8 th ed, 1040.
  2. Ibid. 1040-1041.
  3. Ethne Barnes, Diseases and Human Evolution, 20.
  4. Brain, Marshall."Discovery Health "How Your Immune System Works"." Discovery Health "Health Guides". http://health.howstuffworks.com/human-body/systems/immune/immune-system11.htm# (accessed July 12, 2010).
  5. Ethne Barnes, Diseases and Human Evolution, 23.
  6. George B. Johnson, Biology, 8 th ed, 1043-1044.
  7. Ibid, 1042.
  8. Ibid, 1043
  9. Kluger, Matthew, and Barbara Rothenberg. " Fever and Reduced Iron: Their Interaction as a Host Defense Response to Bacterial Infection ." Science Vol. 203, No. 4378 , no. Jan. 26, 1979 (1979): pp. 374-376 . http://www.jstor.org/sici?origin=sfx%3Asfx&sici=0036-8075%281979%29203%3A4378%3C374%3AFARITI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-5 (accessed July 13, 2010).
  10. Scott Freeman and Jon C. Herron. Evolutionary Analysis, 560.
  11. George B. Johnson, Biology, 8 th ed, 1047-1048.
  12. Ibid.
  13. George Johnson, Biology, 7 th ed, 1020-1021.
  14. Ibid, 1023-1024.
  15. Ibid, 1008
  16. Ibid.
  17. Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince. Survival of the Sickest: A Medical Maverick Discovers Why We Need Disease, 24-25.
  18. Ibid, 24-25.
  19. Ibid, 38-39.
  20. Ibid, 41-44.
  21. Ibid, 31-32.
  22. Ibid, 36-37.
  23. Ibid, 37.
  24. Ibid, 26.
  25. Ibid, 45-46.
  26. Randolph Nesse and George C. Williams. Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, 100-101.
  27. "Genes Can Cause Type 1 Diabetes." Welcome to Genetic Health. http://www.genetichealth.com/dbts_genetics_of_type_1_diabetes.shtml#Anchor1 (accessed July 13, 2010).
  28. Wenda Trevathan. Evolutionary Medicine and Health : New Perspectives, 19.
  29. C. Koella and Stephen C. Stearns. Evolution in Health and Disease, 270-271.
  30. Randolph Nesse and George C. Williams. Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, 148-149.


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