The following California standards for 7 th grade are covered in this unit:
English Language Arts
Reading 1.1 Identify idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes in prose and poetry
Reading 1.3 Clarify word meaning through the use of definition, example, restatement, or contrast
Reading 2.3 Analyze text which uses cause and effect patterns
Reading 3.3 Analyze characterization as delineated through a character's thoughts, words, speech patterns, and actions; the narrator's description; and what other characters think, say, and do
Writing 2.2 Write responses to literature that develop interpretations which exhibit careful reading, understanding, and insight; and organize interpretations around several clear ideas, premises, or images; and justify interpretations through sustained use of examples and textual evidence
Social Studies
7.6Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Medieval Europe.
2.Describe the spread of Christianity north of the Alps and the roles played by the early church and by monasteries in its diffusion after the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire.
3.Understand the development of feudalism, its role in the medieval European economy, the way in which it was influenced by physical geography, and how feudal relationships provided the foundation of political order.
7.Map the spread of the bubonic plague from Central Asia to China, the Middle East, and Europe and describe its impact on global population.
8.Understand the importance of the Catholic church as a political, intellectual, and aesthetic institution
7.8 Students analyze the origins, accomplishments, and geographic diffusion of the Renaissance.
1.Describe the way in which the revival of classical learning and the arts fostered a new interest in humanism (i.e., a balance between intellect and religious faith).
2.Explain the importance of Florence in the early stages of the Renaissance and the growth of independent trading cities (e.g., Venice), with emphasis on the cities' impor tance in the spread of Renaissance ideas.
3.Understand the effects of the reopening of the ancient "Silk Road" between Europe and China, including Marco Polo's travels and the location of his routes.
4.Describe the growth and effects of new ways of disseminating information (e.g., the ability to manufacture paper, translation of the Bible into the vernacular, printing).
5.Detail advances made in literature, the arts, science, mathematics, cartography, engi neering, and the understanding of human anatomy and astronomy (e.g., by Dante Alighieri, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo di Buonarroti Simoni, Johann Gutenberg, William Shakespeare).