Classroom Activities
Launching the Unit – Our Flag
Focus Question: What is a symbol? Why are symbols important?
Begin the unit by reading the book, I Read Symbols by Tina Hoban
Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. Ask the students to locate the title and the name of the author of the book. Note that the book contains real-life photographs so there is no illustrator. Show some of the pictures and have the students use the pictures to make predictions about the story content. Help the children distinguish that the book contains realistic text and not fantasy. Invite students to "read" the wordless text with you. Ask them to describe the symbols in both general and specific language. Encourage students to connect to life experiences the information in the text. If desired, you do not have to "read" every page of book. Instead, you may select the most pertinent pages that you think the students will recognize. If you are unsure about any of the symbols, there is a chart in the back of the book that tells "What the Symbols Say."
Point out some examples of familiar advertising symbols such as the golden arches of McDonald's and the NIKE symbol. Mention some of the universal symbols such as a heart for love and the pointer and middle finger for peace. Discuss the meaning of the word symbol - something that stands for or represents something else, an object that represents an idea. Help the students to understand that symbols (and printed words) provide information. Discuss with students why symbols are important.
Transition to a discussion using the following questions: What are the colors of the American flag? What do the stars on the American flag stand for? What do the stripes on the American flag stand for? Tell the students they will be learning some of this information as you read about the history of the American flag in Red, White, and Blue – The Story of the American Flag by John Herman.
Ask the students to report any personal experiences that relate to flags.
Take a visual walking field trip around the school building and grounds to look at flags and any other symbols of America. Begin at the front of the school to see the national flag. You might share with students some of the nicknames for the American flag, "The Stars and Stripes," "The Red, White and Blue," "Freedom's Banner," and "Old Glory."
Flag Projects
American Flag - There are a variety of ways for students to use art materials to make a replica of an American flag. Offering choices of construction paper, writing and drawing tools, paints, scissors, and glue allows students to reconstruct the flag. This decision frees the teacher to use more creative art materials in lieu of pre-printed worksheets.
Personal Flag – Students will use a similar process to design and construct a flag that shows personal pride. They will brainstorm ideas that show interesting facts about themselves and show, through their design, those facts, for example, family, hobbies, neighborhood, and school. This exercise will demonstrate that they need to be symbolic to be able to represent everything in a limited area, the flag.
Lesson Two - The Pledge of Allegiance
Focus Question – Why are promises important? What does it mean to be free and fair?
Explain to the students that to "pledge to allegiance" means to "promise to be loyal or true to our country." Read the book, The Pledge of Allegiance, a Scholastic Commemorative Edition. Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. Ask the students to locate the title of the book. Note that the book contains real-life photographs so there is no illustrator. After reading the text, discuss the meaning of the words found in the pledge. Briefly explain the words included in the Pledge:
Pledge means to promise and allegiance means a promise to be loyal to our country. United refers to the fifty states that are united or joined together, like a big family, who will get along, or cooperate. Republic is difficult to explain to children. It means a kind of government where the people vote for the President as the leader of the country. The part for which it stands means that it stands for the Republic. When you see the flag, you know that it takes the place of our country. One nation under God refers to nation as another word for country, and under God means that God is over us all. Indivisible means that something can not be divided. All of our states are joined together, and one state can't pull out from the rest. In liberty and justice for all, liberty means freedom – that we are free, but that we have responsibilities. Justice means fairness. Everyone has a right to be judged fairly. That is why we have courts and judges to hear both sides of a story. All means everybody should have liberty and justice.
Classroom Pledge
Create a classroom pledge. Invite students to brainstorm ideas for a pledge to include the types of behaviors we could expect from members of the class. When there are plenty of ideas, have students vote on which one they like best.
Lesson Three – Statue of Liberty
Focus Question – How can we explain freedom to others?
Begin the lesson by assessing what the students may already know about the Statue of Liberty. Have them discuss any experiences or information. Introduce the book The Story of the Statue of Liberty by Betsy and Giulio Maestro. This accurate retelling of the history of the statue will provide a strong foundation for the students understanding. After completing the story, explain the options for continuing. The students may choose to create the costume of Lady Liberty or build one of their own.
Have the kids dress like the Statue of Liberty. They can begin with their own Statue of Liberty crown and torch. Use paper plates to make the crown, custom fitting the crown to the head of each child. Each student will need to cut out a half-circle section of one plate so it fits over his or her head like aheadband. They can then add triangular pieces cut out from another paper plate to make the points of the Statue of Liberty's crown, glue everything together, and paint it all green. Now have the students make the torch handle out of an empty paper towel tubes, card stock, and green paint, adding some yellow and red tissue paper when it is all dry. Wrap the students in sheets and have them stand one at a time on a pedestal holding the torch and wearing the crown.
Some students may choose to make the Statue of Liberty instead of dressing as Lady Liberty. Plastic soda or water bottles make a great basis for a miniature Statue of Liberty. After the bottle has completely dried, put some beans or sand in the bottom for stability. Offer popsicle stick, pipe cleaners, foil, various paper choices, paint, glue and markers for the students to use for construction. Remind them to include all the components of the statue – the arm with the torch, the tablet, the crown, and any smaller details they would like to include.
Photograph each student dressed as the Statue of Liberty or video each student as he/she tells some of the facts learned about the statue.