Appendix A
Connecticut State Social Studies Standards:
Standard 1: Content Knowledge - Knowledge of concepts and information from history and social studies is necessary to promote understanding of our nation and our world.
1.1 The student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of significant events and themes in United States history. Explain the significance of historical figures and/or history-related holidays (e.g., Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Veterans' Day)
1.2 The student will be able to describe the importance of significant events in local and Connecticut history and their connections to United States history. Compare and contrast personal and peer experiences to the lives and experiences of people in different generations as it relates to specific topics.
1.3 – The students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of significant events and themes in world history/international studies. Analyze how one's own cultural heritage (e.g., holiday celebrations, dress and customs) has changed over time.
1.5 – The student will be able to describe the interaction of humans and the environment and explain how rules and laws help to establish order and ensure school safety.
Standard 2 – History/Social Studies Literacy Competence in literacy, inquiry and research skills is necessary to analyze, evaluate and present history and social studies information.
2.1 – Access and gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources including electronic media (maps, charts, graphs, images, artifacts, recordings and text). 1. Access and gather information from nonprint materials with teacher support (e.g., artifacts, guest speakers, technology). 2. Gather information from listening to and reading nonfiction texts.